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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-07-2011 12:02 PM by Stan. 5 replies.
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  • 01-07-2011 9:13 AM

    smart tv apps for the BeoMaster 5

    Now that B&O has announced it's cooperation with intel to develop smart tvs, I wonder about what this could mean for the BeoMaster 5. Could B&O add functionality to the BeoMaster 5 to access Netflix, Hulu Plus, and other features found on smart tvs? It seems like that would be the logical way to provide such features to existing B&O tvs. With the new update to the the BeoSound 5 and the soon to be released BeoSound 5 Encore, the BeoMaster 5 really needs more functionality. Otherwise, the BeoMaster 5 is looking like a very overpriced, useless box.

  • 01-07-2011 9:45 AM In reply to

    • Stan
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    Re: smart tv apps for the BeoMaster 5


     Otherwise, the BeoMaster 5 is looking like a very overpriced, useless box.

    Overpriced, maybe... Useless, not to me.  It has a very good DAC (to my ears), and, unlike the Encore, a ML interface and storage all in one box.  I'm also a bit wary of the Encore's ability to read libraries from existing computers...  One of the reasons I replaced my BeoPort was about 40% of time, I'd hit N.Music and it wouldn't work.  I'd then have to restart the computer (Apple mini) or the BeoPort or both to get everything working...  I can predict similar scenarios with the Encore - USB, dedicated harddrives will probably be no problem, but computers (non-dedicated) seem to have a mind of their own...

    On the point of smart tv apps, I bought a $130 Blu-ray player (LG BD570) that has all of that.  Given that they're almost giving this technology away (~$30 premium over the Blu-ray player without the apps), I don't know how much this helps the value of the BM5.

    I suppose one could argue I'm being inconsistent - I like the "all-in-one" simplicity/reliability of the BM5, but suggest a separate box is ok for tv apps... but I was going to get a DVD player anyway... I'm not ready to go 100% digital for movies (too many DVDs, and, IMHO, the $8/mo stream all the movies you want Netflix model is going to break once enough people are doing it that the internet providers have to upgrade their capacity).



  • 01-07-2011 9:52 AM In reply to

    Re: smart tv apps for the BeoMaster 5



    IMHO, the $8/mo stream all the movies you want Netflix model is going to break once enough people are doing it that the internet providers have to upgrade their capacity).



    If you are in the few countries that you can use Netflix. I would happily pay for it but there is no way for me to do so easily.

    Beosystem 7000/6500- Beolab 4000 - Beosound 1 - A8 - Earset 3 - Beo4

  • 01-07-2011 10:00 AM In reply to

    Re: smart tv apps for the BeoMaster 5

    If you are in the few countries that you can use Netflix.

    I made the jump to Netflix about (4) months ago. Excellent.

    • B&o bottle opener
  • 01-07-2011 10:14 AM In reply to

    Re: smart tv apps for the BeoMaster 5

    Like Stan, I find a great deal of smart tv app content on my Sony blu-ray players. With B&O's recent announcement regarding its plans involving smart tvs, it seems clear that future B&O tvs will have this built-in. Also, reading between the lines on the BeoSound 5 FAQ about using the BeoMedia 5 for sharing content "with other Bang & Olufsen streaming devices" it makes sense that future B&O smart tvs with be included in such a network. It would be nice for that same interface to be made available to current B&O tvs via the BeoMaster 5. This is what the "BeoMedia" concept should have been all along. 

  • 01-07-2011 12:02 PM In reply to

    • Stan
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    Re: smart tv apps for the BeoMaster 5

    Don't get me wrong.  I welcome more functionality in the BM5... but how and what is delivered, I'll leave that up to the people who do this for a living.

    Major, my point about Netflix isn't that people aren't willing to pay $8/mo.  I am, it's great and I'm sure many will - its so convenient and cheap vs. $4/movie from my cable's providers limited "on demand" movies or getting DVDs via mail or vending machine.  However, IMO, this low cost is not a long-term sustainable situation.  That is, Netflix $8/mo fee doesn't include the real distribution costs as the internet provider is not compensated, and the infrastructure backing your "unlimited" broadband connection doesn't have the capacity for you and all of your neighbors to adopt this in a big way... when people start complaining to ATT, Comcast or whatever your broadband internet provider is in your country (assuming you're not charged by the MB, but get "unlimited" bandwidth at a fixed cost per mo) that their movies aren't streaming fast enough (because all their neighbors are also streaming HD movies and the pipes to your house/building/neighborhood are saturated), then this will come to a head.  Either your internet provider will raise prices, or they'll go after Netflix for a cut of the action, which Netflix will pass along to it's customers.

    Note, this nothing against Netflix.  Right now, I love Netflix and have watched more movies since getting my Netflix capable DVD player (2 weeks) than in the last 4 mos.  Substitute whatever cheap streaming movie service you like.  It's the same dynamic.  However, if this goes up to $30-40/mo, I may pass as I just don't watch that many movies.


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