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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-22-2010 6:22 AM by tomap. 0 replies.
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  • 01-22-2010 6:22 AM

    • tomap
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 11-08-2007
    • Oslo
    • Posts 11
    • Bronze Member

    BV 8-40


    I bought a BV 8- 40 befor Cristmas, and I am happy with it, but I have some questions however:


    If you set  it up with a sub, front and rear speakers in a 5.1  does the signal sendt to the speakers change when you select different spekers. For exampel will  more of the low frequency go to the Sub when you have “small”  speakers ?


    In the service menue  where you find the Film Mode  on/off, there are several  adjustments.Is there a manual for this, or short description of what this means?


    I have also connected a PC to it via HDMI (1920*1080), but I am not completely sattisfied with the picture. It seems to be some mud around tellers. If I use the VGA input it is perfect exsept that I only get 1280*720 resolution.  If I increase the resolution the picture will not use the compleate screen.


    I also have the ML –module and have connected an Ouverture. Is it possible to program the TV/Radio to start / stop at predefined times. Before I had a MX8000 and then I could program this quite easy.





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