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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 05-14-2007 10:44 AM by Peter. 10 replies.
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  • 05-14-2007 5:50 AM

    Forum advise, private sales can't make it work

    Hello all,


    I am trying to look in the private sales forum, but can't find it, or it doesn't work. Clicking on the link from one of the pages referring to different levels of membership and a direct link to the private sales forum doesn't work.


    Where can one access the private sales forum form?

    Will a potential buyer need to be a member in order to browse the sales forum, or is it only the seller that needs to be a member in order to post items for sale?




  • 05-14-2007 5:58 AM In reply to

    • Kevin
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    Re: Forum advise, private sales can't make it work

    Hi Chris,

    you will need to upgrade to Silver or Gold to access these areas.

    It's how we keep this site alive and continually improving.




  • 05-14-2007 6:03 AM In reply to

    Re: Forum advise, private sales can't make it work

    Hi Kevin thanks for your reply. Just to clarify, will a potential buyer also need to be a silver+ member in order to see the sales adds?


    That will reduce the power of the private sales forum and hence fewer will sign up...

    Just a thought (if the above is the case).


    regards, Chris 

  • 05-14-2007 6:17 AM In reply to

    • Kevin
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    Re: Forum advise, private sales can't make it work


    yes that is correct.

    Most sign up to support the site. The sales is seen as a facility for Gold and Silver members to trade with each other.

    Hope that helps.



  • 05-14-2007 8:27 AM In reply to

    Re: Forum advise, private sales can't make it work

    Shoot me, but I really cannot see the logic in this. Gold and Silver members benefit from a large group of potential buyers. The service is therefore enhanced if bronzemembers also have access to the sales adds.
  • 05-14-2007 9:14 AM In reply to

    Re: Forum advise, private sales can't make it work

    Have to say I agree that as a Gold member, I feel there would be more incentive to subscribe (If I wasn't already addicted to the site, and wanted to support it anyway - which I do) if the sales section, if not the "wanted", were open to viewing to all users. In fact I had assumed this would be the case.


  • 05-14-2007 9:32 AM In reply to

    • Tom
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    Re: Forum advise, private sales can't make it work

    Though I don't want to buy or sell anything via this forum, I can understand these posts. Wouldn't it be possible for bronze members to see the posts in the private sales sections without being able to post there?

    Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - Berthold Auerbach

  • 05-14-2007 9:43 AM In reply to

    • Kevin
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    Re: Forum advise, private sales can't make it work

    I see what you're saying but the advantage works both ways.

    The members who are wanting to see this section are bronze members, there is a solutionCool.

    If you are looking to buy B&O then upgrade to silver and then you can put a wanted ad or browse the for sale section. Is it really too much  to pay to help the site?There are other ways of buying B&O I think this is one of the nicer ways.


  • 05-14-2007 9:50 AM In reply to

    Re: Forum advise, private sales can't make it work

    I can see the issues involved. However the number of people buying on Beoworld is always going to be small compared with something like eBay. The reason the area is restricted is because the previous sales area generated nothing for the site and this method seemed the fairest. You will also know that potential buyers and sellers are fellow enthusiasts as they are supporting the site and this will engender a greater feeling of trust. I do agree that we are reducing the audience but hopefully those that are there are people who are going to be more targetted. The policy will be reviewed at some stage no doubt.
  • 05-14-2007 10:13 AM In reply to

    Re: Forum advise, private sales can't make it work

    Fair Points. I wonder if there might be an in-between solution though.

    Would it be possible for non-silver and gold users to view the adverts in the Private Sales/Wanted sections, but with a messgae saying that they will need to upgrade in order to post in the forum and contact the seller? A number of other sites use this device and it could act as an incentive for more people to take up the Gold option.

    Just a thought 


  • 05-14-2007 10:44 AM In reply to

    Re: Forum advise, private sales can't make it work

    Perfectly reasonable suggestion but obviously the PM system allows anyone to contact anyone else. I suppose there could be a case for blanking out the ID of the seller but that would be complicated and involve more expense for the site. I am not sure that a huge amounts sells through the site anyway. We could have instigated a system where a percentage of the sale price went to the site - but this was suggested before on the old site and very little ever came in!

    The major benefit of the new site and the gold and silver membership is the access to manuals - I am expecting a whole lot more to scan soon! - and the ability to help support a site we enjoy. There is also the lure of the prize draw. I cannot see many people joining simply to buy and sell as there is a much bigger audience on eBay - and less knowledgeable as well so more likely to pay over the odds!

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