I have a new MMC1 that I purchased from a dealer about 3 years ago and put away for the future. I recently decided to put the MMC1 on my Beogram 7000. It works but I noticed that I have to raise the volume on the system much higher than I otherwise normally do when using an MMC2 cartridge. Because the volume is much higher that normal, I can hear a hum. I am assuming this is not normal.
I did a visual comparison of the MMC1 and MMC2 and noticed the cantilever does not protrude at the same angle as the MMC2. Could this be the problem.
Of course this is all my fault as I should have tested the cartridge when I bought it. Any advice would be appreciated.
Beosound 5 BL9 BC2 BL8000 Beovision 7 BL6002 BL11