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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 12-30-2011 3:02 AM by Tim. 0 replies.
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  • 12-30-2011 3:02 AM

    • Tim
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 01-07-2008
    • Germany
    • Posts 114
    • Bronze Member

    Beo5 - Screen Style

    I really want to use some nice artwork, but when I chose the products I have in my single zone ("Beovision"), there are only Screens with 4x3 icons possible.

    I do understand, that one way to create a different Screen type is with a new Button and submenu:

    So to get nice "top-level-buttons" I can create a new Zone (The screen with the zones is still 4x3) and a new Zone Button (lets call it "Beovision 7") with a submenu ( "DTV", "Apple TV", "DVD") with a free adjustable Screen Type (eg. 2x3) - but I do not understand how I can take all of my other buttons from the zone "Beovision" to this new menu "Beovision 7".

    Is there an easy way, to take all the buttons over (with submenus), or do I have to copy it over button by button?


    Then there is another thing: I know of a picture of a Beo5 for Beoliving - On the screen there are 4 Buttons - for lighting, TV, AC, and one more I do not remember.

    Do I understand this right, that this is one of several zones with a 4x4 Screen Type - and hence the Level above (with the zones) is still a 3x4 Screen Type.


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