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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 05-27-2011 3:43 AM by Compostela. 2 replies.
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  • 05-26-2011 4:03 PM

    BV 7-32 MK3 v BV7-40 MK2

    Hi folks.

    Apart from the obvious dimensions issue, is there any difference in picture quality or functionality dbetween the BV7-32 Mk3 and the 7-40 Mk2? Both sets are from 2007 so I assume that there is no difference but I would be grateful for any views.



  • 05-26-2011 6:38 PM In reply to

    • moxxey
    • Top 25 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-14-2007
    • South West, UK
    • Posts 2,360
    • Bronze Member

    Re: BV 7-32 MK3 v BV7-40 MK2

    The BV7-32 MK3 has a good screen for standard definition TV as the pixel count is higher due to the size of the screen. 

    The BV7-40 MK2 was a good TV for standard definition TV as it pre-dates the 1080P screen that appeared in the MK3. However, HD might be an issue, particularly as there is only that poor single DVI input. Effectively, it's not really a long term TV choice for me. BV7-40 MKIV upwards is the best option. MKIII displayed blacks poorly and struggled with shading.

    BTW do remember the biggest difference is the size of the screen. Once you've owned the 40", the 32" seems tiny in comparison.

  • 05-27-2011 3:43 AM In reply to

    Re: BV 7-32 MK3 v BV7-40 MK2

    Thank you Moxxey. Are the panels in both sets the same given that they both come from 2007?
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