just to let you know beoworlders: be careful when using parcel2go, I just lost a beosound century due to their "service"!!!
bought that system via ebay in late november, had it picked up a week later and thought everything was fine. 2 weeks later it still did not arrive so I contacted P2G via their online chat feature. they told me "pick up failed" so I called the sender to make an appointment for a new collection. he informed me that it has been collected and he has a prove of it. so I contacted P2G again, this time they confirmed that it has been collected, but they had to investigate where the parcel is. 3 weeks passed by without any reply, had to contact them again and again until they agreed that it is lost and asked me to describe the lost package and its contents, what I hopefully did. some weeks later they sent me an email stating they could not find the parcel, I should file a claim without delay, as well as claims have to be filed within 28 days after pickup, otherwise they will be rejected. so this is what I call customer service!