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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 03-21-2011 5:00 PM by AT. 1 replies.
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  • 03-07-2011 7:32 AM

    Serene Demanding PIN when Roaming?


    My boss travels a lot and takes his B&O Serene mobile phone with him. It was repaired late last year, and since then whenever he goes abroad it starts demanding a PIN from him when he switches it on in the foreign country, or last time even though he didn't switch it off. The PIN function has been disabled with the 9, 7, 3 menu option. He doesn't know what this PIN may be and so the phone ends up getting locked every time. He tries his regular PIN code but it doesn't work so we are thinking it may be some other code. What is it, and how can we fix this? His phone service provider is BT and roaming is enabled in the countries he visits, e.g, Germany and Denmark.

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  • 03-21-2011 5:00 PM In reply to

    • AT
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-16-2007
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    Re: Serene Demanding PIN when Roaming?

    When I was purchased mine, not the PIN, but another code was also set for my telephone, called "Phone lock". As the seller didn't remembered for this code for a strange reason, I had to look around, and I was figured out, that (if I remember well) the "custom reset" is able to clear the telephone's own code also. It's possible, You have a problem with this.

    You can find the secret Samsung codes here:

    BUT PLEASE NOTE: with a wrong usage, it can even harm Your telephone!!

    So I suggest to read this forum, and try first the

    and try the "8889874397" code, as the Samsung general code, or the custom reset code, as If I remember well, one of them worked for me.

    I hope it helps, but please do not forget to save all Your data before You will try to remove the password!!

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