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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-25-2011 3:59 AM by hagan. 1 replies.
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  • 01-25-2011 3:40 AM

    • petermc
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-16-2007
    • Shepparton, Australia
    • Posts 87
    • Founder

    Motorised stand


    I have just installed the motorised stand on a BV 10.

    Just wondering how far the thing will actually turn from side to side? I was under the impression it could could a fair distance either side.

    If I use the Beo4 to turn it it doesn't turn far at all. If I manually turn it to where I want it then if I use the stand function it will motor it back so it seems it can drive it that far. If I go into the stand menu the left/right perameters seem limited and I can get the stand to go any further.

    Is there any way I can reset the stand?

    On another note is there any way to load new devices on the PUC controller without a dealer? Can it be done via the web or USB?





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  • 01-25-2011 3:59 AM In reply to

    Re: Motorised stand



    I have just installed the motorised stand on a BV 10.

    Just wondering how far the thing will actually turn from side to side? I was under the impression it could could a fair distance either side.

    If I use the Beo4 to turn it it doesn't turn far at all. If I manually turn it to where I want it then if I use the stand function it will motor it back so it seems it can drive it that far. If I go into the stand menu the left/right perameters seem limited and I can get the stand to go any further.

    Is there any way I can reset the stand?

    On another note is there any way to load new devices on the PUC controller without a dealer? Can it be done via the web or USB?






    Yes, you can set new parameters. I had to do it because I had an obstacle on the left side. Don´t remember exactly but I was helped by usermanual

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