Here is a real novice question. I have three non-working Beogram 4002 tables that I would like to get one or two working. I am in the process of installing Martin's capacitor kits in two of them. One of them I had tried to canabalize for the sake of the other two and removed the screw and the clamp thats hold the tone arm in place where it pivots on the rod in the up and down position. It turns out I may need to use that tone arm so have reassembled it. My question is about the pickup leads. They are what appears to be bare wires leading to the tone arm which are touching metal where they come out of an insulated sleeve. Are they actually coated with something or do I need to do something to make sure the wires are not touching the metal of the tone arm? They appear to be touching each other so I would image they are coated so they do not short between them.
Any thoughts are appreciated.