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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-11-2011 6:06 PM by beorooter. 2 replies.
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  • 01-01-2011 9:28 PM

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    Beomaster 5500 advice

    Hi there

    My father has a very nice B&O system from the 80s which has, over the years, developed some problems. He's given up on the CD and tape players, all that is left now is the Beomaster 5500 receiver which is hooked up to a nice set of main speakers (redline) and 3 sets of remote speakers through the house. It's connected to a sony CD player. He also has the Master Control unit and a smaller remote. There are 2 problems making the system unusable which I'd like to deal with, to avoid having him get rid of this very nice vintage system. We live in Ottawa, Canada and there doesn't appear to be anyone available to service the system.

    1. The 5500 receiver, when turned on, buzzes for about 1-2 seconds then shuts right down, as though there's some type a breaker that's tripping. Is this a common problem and any ideas about the cause/fix?

    2. The Master Remote volume rotary dial does not seem to work. When we spin the wheel, nothing happens. Any ideas?

    Sorry for the vague descriptions, this is not my area of expertise but as I said I'd rally like to salvage this system for my Dad if possible. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


  • 01-02-2011 2:33 AM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster 5500 advice

    It sounds as though the receiver has a component failure and will need being looked at by an electronics specialist - it doesn't have to be B&O as the 5500 is just a receiver, and is easy to take apart. Do check the speaker connections to make sure there are no shorts though. Try unplugging the connections at the back and see if it will work with headphones.

    The rotary controller fault does seem to be common - there are a few threads dealing with this but it is probably simplest to get another. Just make sure it does not have the same fault!

    Best of luck and welcome to Beoworld.

  • 01-11-2011 6:06 PM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster 5500 advice

    Hi Marc.

    Reg. the rotary dial of the MCP: if you open the Panel (screws on the back side) you will find that there is a switch connected to the dial. Cleaning of the switches contact surfaces solved the problem in my case.
    Just take care that the MCP's push-buttons do not fall down during disassembly.


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