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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 12-28-2010 8:17 AM by burantek. 21 replies.
12-22-2010 5:02 AM

- Joined on 12-31-2007
- Cheshire, UK
- Posts 323

New catalogue due early 2011 with some new products.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Neuchatel, Suisse
- Posts 552


- Joined on 12-11-2007
- Helsinki, Finland
- Posts 3,593

I hope they try and make the catalogue "personal" again... Lats one was very boring.
BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2

- Joined on 08-24-2010
- Posts 168

Beosound 5 Encore.
New Inwall speakers.
Beovision 4-85 3D
Please what else...tell us!!

- Joined on 05-20-2009
- Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia
- Posts 245

I hope they try and make the catalogue "personal" again... Lats one was very boring.
Hello, may I ask what you mean about it being personal again?
Funnily enough it's the catalogue that makes me feel most associated with the brand, more than the website.
Tod Daniel

- Joined on 10-26-2009
- Salcombe, Devon
- Posts 498

Hi Michael,
By more personal, I think we are talking about B&O catalogues during the 1990s and very early 2000/2001. They were beautiful and would feature a person in his or her stylish very expensive (totally unaffordable) house somewhere in the world. They would say how wonderful their product was and there would be a photograph of them with the product in the background. It was actually very very artistically well done, usually in black and white and the whole brochure would ooze quality. I remember, they would get released around October of each year and I would always look forward to getting a copy.
I remember gazing at the Century in it before I saved for a full one year to buy a Century in 2000. I still have it really more for design now as my entire collection is on my MacBook which travels the world over with me.
I hope they bring back this style of catalogue - they represented the brand very well.
Happy Christmas!

- Joined on 05-20-2009
- Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia
- Posts 245

Hi Paul,
Unaffordable is the word for it lol. I wonder if in Australia we get a different brochure to you as the one from 09/10 has two sections: one on the products and upside down starting from the back, more about the brand and peoples houses etc (albeit one) and how they have integrated.
I remember seeing the catalogue from a few years back and it featured a guy in Canada who had the most amazing CD tower that was like the empire state building (from memory) that was internally lit. And being someone interested in design, I've always wanted one of those, but i can't see where to get one lol.
My collection is also in my mac universe, now just trying to integrate it in to a B&O world in the most cost effective manner, which normally starts with a drool over the catalogue ;-)
I wonder if B&O would create an ipad version of the catalogue, just like the one i receive from BMW, I now receive on the ipad.
Tod Daniel

- Joined on 10-26-2009
- Salcombe, Devon
- Posts 498

Hi Michael,
Yes that sounds like the same one as in the UK. I must admit I don't keep the catalogues like I used to as they were a real work of art!
I totally agree about the catalogue on the iPad! Just looking at premium brands, designer sites etc over the past few days, the whole world seems to have gone mad over the iPad and most designers are now producing the most beautiful cases for them. I got a fabulous Paul Smith one for my MacBook!
Yes, I would like a pair of BeoLab 3's connected to my MacBook but I know that day will never happen lol. Have you seen the new 11inch MacBook Air? Very dinky lovingit!
Anyway here's to the new B&O catalogue - I hope it has the magic of years gone by :)
Happy Holidays!

- Joined on 05-20-2009
- Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia
- Posts 245

Well i'll look out for and patiently wait for the 2011 Catalogue. I'll also take a look out for the Paul Smith cover - didn't know they made covers for laptops. I have seen the 11" MBA, very tidy unit indeed.
I have kept the last couple of catalogues from 08, 09, 10. I feel like a total pauper every time i go in and ask for a catalogue and I don't buy anything lol
Oh your comment gets me thinking about the BL3's, but i'll ask that in a diff post.

- Joined on 12-11-2007
- Helsinki, Finland
- Posts 3,593

Paul Winn:
Hi Michael,
By more personal, I think we are talking about B&O catalogues during the 1990s and very early 2000/2001. They were beautiful and would feature a person in his or her stylish very expensive (totally unaffordable) house somewhere in the world. They would say how wonderful their product was and there would be a photograph of them with the product in the background. It was actually very very artistically well done, usually in black and white and the whole brochure would ooze quality. I remember, they would get released around October of each year and I would always look forward to getting a copy.
I remember gazing at the Century in it before I saved for a full one year to buy a Century in 2000. I still have it really more for design now as my entire collection is on my MacBook which travels the world over with me.
I hope they bring back this style of catalogue - they represented the brand very well.
Happy Christmas!
Exactly what I meant Paul. 
BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2
Tod Daniel

- Joined on 10-26-2009
- Salcombe, Devon
- Posts 498

Hi Bayerische!
Michaael, yes Paul Smith has a large range of sleeves designed for 13" and 15" MacBooks along with bags as well. Mulberrry also have a superb range. Both are on the UK Apple website along with paulsmith.co.uk and mulberry website.
My wishlist is BEoVision 10-32 (Looks incredible in that size) with white and orange speaker covers and a pair of white (or grey or red lol) BeoLab3's with Apple TV! I can but hope...

- Joined on 05-20-2009
- Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia
- Posts 245

Paul Winn:My wishlist is BEoVision 10-32 (Looks incredible in that size) with white and orange speaker covers
Hi Paul, the only thing I noticed with the orange speaker cover is that even though it's the most successful with that panel, you do notice the magnets more i think :-(
Will checkout PS online.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- London
- Posts 2,545

Roger:but we could add the "BeoSound 8 XL"
...is that a wish or a leak?

- Joined on 08-24-2010
- Posts 168

At this point in time a total of 8 products are scheduled for launch in 2011. BeoFab has most of them covered, but we could add the "BeoSound 8 XL" as a start...
Ok it seems that we already have 5:
Beo 6
Beosound 5 Encore
New in-wall/in-cealing speakers
Beovision 4-85 3D
Beosound 8 XL?
So....what else?....what else?...

- Joined on 04-23-2007
- Posts 223

but we could add the "BeoSound 8 XL" as a start...
WTH is a Beosound 8 XL ?? Like a Whopper Burger XL ?

- Joined on 12-11-2007
- Helsinki, Finland
- Posts 3,593

but we could add the "BeoSound 8 XL" as a start...
WTH is a Beosound 8 XL ?? Like a Whopper Burger XL ?

It's a pair of BL5's with an ipod dock.
BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2
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