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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 07-10-2007 9:07 PM by mookyhar. 3 replies.
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  • 07-09-2007 7:20 PM

    MCL 2A

    Wondring if anone knows the answer to this - I have a 5500 system with a masterlink (MCL 2A) system in several rooms in my home - can I use an ML/MCL converter amp to be able to adjust the volume to one room independently of the others? If so, do I need anything else to do it?  Thanks for any help.
  • 07-10-2007 1:37 AM In reply to

    • Mico
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 05-06-2007
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    Re: MCL 2A

    You can adjust the level independently up to certain dB limit.

    You need to replace the basic MCL2A with a MCL2AV to which you connect a MCL2P (amplifier) by using a fully connected Powerlink cable. The MCL2AV requires DC power. You can power it with from the MCL2P or with a 15V DC power adaptor.

  • 07-10-2007 2:42 AM In reply to

    • Christian
    • Top 100 Contributor
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    Re: MCL 2A

    Just wanted to add, that there is no differnce between using a MCL-2P, and an MCL/ML converter. The latter will be of better use in a newer ML system, if you one day should decide to swap the Beosystem for a BeoSound or the like.

    Living room: BV7-40 mkIV + V8000, BL5, BL3, BM1 and BS9000. Bedroom: MX3000 and BL4500 on MCL2-AV. Around: PentaIII, CX100 and MCX35 on ML/MCL + MCL2-A, BeoPort and BL4 on ML, BS3300 + M75 as stand alone, BC6000 + BC600 and BT1100, LC1, LC2, Beo4, Beo5 and BL1000, BS2 and A8, EarSet2, Apron, Coffee mugs, Enamel Bagdes, Bath towel, Keyring, Books, Lots of miniature and the Bottle opener. Office: BC2300 + BL2500 and BS3. Summer house: BS Century.

    Addicted? Oh no.... ;)

  • 07-10-2007 9:07 PM In reply to

    Re: MCL 2A

    Thank you very much
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