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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 07-12-2007 5:40 PM by Brian Morris. 16 replies.
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  • 06-16-2007 7:03 AM

    Beosound 2 problems

    Am hoping someone can either identify my problem or possibly suggest a work around. First off, the docking station has been checked out and is perfect! Beosound 2 (without phones) placed on docking station is not recognised, get one beep then two and amber light. This is repeated every so many seconds till removed from docking station. Plug in phones, in play mode, place of docking station all is GREAT can do everything now ecept when using Beoplayer cannot reformat SD cards!  Remove SD card (without phones) place on docking station all is GREAT! Have tried using all my SD cards (10) and no change to problem. Beosound off the docking station, phones plugged in and in play mode then paused but cannot reformat SD cards via keypad. A little long winded entry but am trying to give as much detail in as few words as possible. Have lastest updated firmware. Thanks to all who read this and are scratching their heads Smile
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  • 06-16-2007 7:11 AM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    I did have some problems with some SD cards and my BS2. I took them out and formatted them in another device and this seemed to cause a problem. I then deleted all that was on them via a card reader and then reformatted them in the BS2, and the problem went. Took me ages to work out what was wrong though. It was a while ago and I cannot remember exactly the problem - though I did have the BS2 replaced at one point!! The new one developed the same problem and it was then I worked out the card problem.
  • 06-16-2007 8:38 AM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    Many thanks Peter for the advice. Did what you suggested and all appears to be working solid now. Also, did notice one other fault which your solution seemed to have rectified in that before my Beosound 2 appeared to be stuck in iTune mode and using the keypad could not get out of it and back to Beoplayer mode. After following your advice was able to switch back to Beoplayer mode. All is singing and dancoing now so a big THANKS again. Shall be considering upgrading my membership after such a quick reponse and getting the solution to my problem. Cheers (Hic), Brian
  • 06-16-2007 8:45 AM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    Delighted to have helped so easily! Laughing
  • 06-19-2007 3:47 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    Hi Peter! Woe is me as I drown in a bucket of tears [:'(] I reformatted my SD cards and all did appear to be OK but once, using Beoplayer, I copied music to the cards the problem came back. So it seems I am back to square one. While the cards are empty everything works fine in as much as the BeoSound is recognised while on the docking station by my system but as soon as I copy any music to the cards then problem comes back! Back to the barbers cos scratching my head is more painful than getting a hair cut Big Smile But thanks again for the help. Brian
  • 06-19-2007 4:11 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    Hi Brian, I think I might be able to help you, but I have a few questions to ask first:

    • When your BS2 is placed on its docking station, while your computer is switched on and the USB cable is attached, what colour is the LED on the docking station? And is that light fixed, or winking every second?
    • What brand of SD card are you using, and what size?
    • Is your BS2 shown in the dropdown toolbar at the top of the screen while trying to copy music on BeoPlayer - in either N.Music or PC CD mode?
    • What kind of files are you trying to copy onto your BS2 - WMA, MP3, MP4 etc?
    • When did you purchase your BS2, and was it from a B&O dealer?
    • Have you ever been able to transfer music onto one of your SD cards via BeoPlayer and have it working on your BS2?

    That should do for now! Hopefully your answers will help me see where your problem is.

  • 06-20-2007 5:53 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    Hi Peter, When placing the BeoSound 2 on my docking station (without phones connected) and is plugged into my laptop I get an amber light followed by one beep then two beeps then a flash of amber again with indicates it is trying to reset itself. This continues until BeoSound 2 is removed from the docking station. Plug phones in, in play mode and replace on docking station then it is recognised.

    The brand of cards am using are all genuine Sandisk (128MB, 2 x 256MB and 1GB).

    When BeoPlayer is up and running all appears normal, copies music (in wma format) yet cannot use BeoPlayer to reformat any disks. Also, if disks are empty then "config/setup" mode shows "BeoSound 2" as the Portable Device yet when disks have music in them it indicates that now is a portable drive.

    My BeoSound 2 was purchased in 2003 from the B&O dealer in Chichester.

    Up until about 4 weeks ago everything worked as normal, had no problems, all disks functioned normally as did the BeoSound 2! Nothing has been altered, change, configured. Just one day placed it on the docking station for a recharged and noticed the amber light flash, the beeps were heard then the amber light flashed again.

    Hope this info helps, Cheers (Hic), Brian

  • 06-21-2007 2:50 AM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    Hi Brian,

    I would suggest to put your BS2 on the docking station again. When you've done this and the amber light is showing on the docking station, hold down the GO button for a few seconds. This is usually done to inform the BS2 whether you just want to charge it, or whether you want to charge it and recieve music files from a PC via USB.

    Also try resetting your BS2 by taking it off the charger, holding the Volume Up and Volume Down button together. The hold down the GO button for a few seconds.

  • 06-21-2007 4:26 AM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    Go and see your dealer and get him to format one of your cards. See if that works. Also see if you can use your BS2 on his docking station.
  • 06-22-2007 2:04 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    Already been to my B&O dealer before coming to this site. My docking station works fine with their BeoSound 2 and mine has the same problems when on their docking station. One of my cards were reformatted by them, all appeared to work fine until music was copied via BeoPlayer and also Windows MediaPlayer (ver. 11) then WHOOOOSH! Back comes the annoying problem. Even tried a fresh SD Card but to no avail. Seems no one has a solution so my local B&O dealer has passed the problem onto their tech guys to see if they know of a solution. In the meantime I'll carry on recharging with the phones plugged in and in play mode. Many thanks for all your help Smile
  • 06-22-2007 3:59 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    I have been here! They replaced my BS2 eventually! However it did exactly the same later on and I think I had a dud SD card. Stopped using it and not had problems since. (Well not till I used a Mac, but that is another story!) Would you like to try my BS2 - I use it as a paperweight! PM me your address and I will send it down.
  • 07-02-2007 6:36 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    Hi Peter,

    Did you get my PM? Was looking at the PM this evening and it appears as if I sent it to myself Embarrassed Let me know.

    Cheers (Hic), brian

  • 07-03-2007 1:48 AM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    Yes! I am on call today but will pack it up tonight and send it to you. I take it the BS2 alone will suffice? Saves on packaging!
  • 07-03-2007 2:37 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    The BS2 is perfect as I have proven that the docking station is not at fault. Once i have received your BS2 and can determine whether my cards are faulty (which am sure it cannot be, in fact one 1GB was recently replaced by SanDisk) or that it is my own BS2. Again, many thanks for all your valuable help, am grateful for all.

    Cheers (Hic),


  • 07-09-2007 5:00 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    Hi Peter, Your BS2 arrived on Saturday, many thanks. Placed it onto the docking station with your SD card in it, no problems, exchanged your card for one of mine, again no problems with your BS2. Inserted your card into my BS2 and, well i guess you know what happened Sad So, I've now counted out the docking station and my cardsas the problem so I guess it's a trip to B&O Chichester and they can send my BS2 to their Tech Dept. I know it is a bit of a cheek considering your kindness and help, would you mind if I kept your BS2 for a week or so while mine goes to B&O's Tech Dept? If not, is not a problem and would send back via SD. Again, many thanks for all  your help, Brian
  • 07-09-2007 5:48 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    Keep it as long as you like! I have another paperweight! Laughing
  • 07-12-2007 5:40 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound 2 problems

    Peter, You are a star of the old order and wish this planet of ours had more like you. As soon as my mine is sorted I'll pop yours back in post via RM SD. I have your address and phone number. Again, I cannot thank you enough. My very best wishes, Brian
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