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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-27-2010 9:23 AM by oli. 1 replies.
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  • 08-27-2010 8:46 AM

    Something wrong with beovision 10 - 46

    I just have my beovision 10 - 46 installed i my home.

    excelent television.


    But when i watch a dvd movie with black background (typical at the end of a movie when the actres name round down the screen), live music dvd whit a black background (George Michael bluray from his last tour), just black screen when I go from television to dvd etc.  i can se 4 light triangel from the top of the screen like there is 4 lamps in the top of the screen lighting down.

    Sorry for my poor english.

    Is it just my screen og is this commen on beovision 10 - 46 ??? I loke like a baglight television from the 90´ and the beovisio 10 - 46 is way to expensive to do things like this.





  • 08-27-2010 9:23 AM In reply to

    • oli
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 05-10-2007
    • Paris, FR
    • Posts 62
    • Bronze Member

    Re: Something wrong with beovision 10 - 46

    Did you try to reduce brightness to check if it changes anything ?

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