Well it's school holidays now & the devil makes work for idle hands ...
I went into our studio to find something B&O-ish open on the operating table ...
what's that? I ask .
It's an old 2200 which keeps blowing 1.6amp fuses (the ones above the voltage selecter dial) . where to start looking for obvious culprits? sometimes one blows & sometime both!. says my younger son chris
I didn't recognize it .... must have got it years ago & forgotten about it.
oh and talking of beocords in lofts , I got chris to go up in the loft and dig out the number on the beocord up there ... it's a beocord 1700.
That's where most of the world's tapdecks are stored I expect.
something else for him to fix over the school hols .
Isn't having kids grand!