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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 03-20-2010 8:59 AM by Puncher. 69 replies.
03-03-2009 9:00 PM
- Joined on 02-26-2008
- Posts 21
Dear All,
Have now heard/seen that the following will be updated this week: (sorry that it is in Danish)
- Support af sammensatte albums. Tidligere vistes en titel og en konvolut/cover per nummer, nu vises der kun en konvolut og en titel til de respektive albums. Denne forbedring gælder også for soloalbums hvor artisten eksempelvis synger duet med andre artister på en eller flere af numrene, disse plader bliver rent teknisk kategoriseret som "sammensat album" og dermed vises de også kun en gang under titel og cover.
- Forbedret MOTS - reduceret risiko for at kopier af samme nummer spilles tæt på hinanden, bl.a. ved ikke at spille samme nummer på trods af, det findes på mere end et album i musiksamlingen.
- BeoPlayer/BeoPort 5.01 kompatibel med både BeoMedia 1 og BeoMaster 5.
- Automatisk opdatering af software sker fremover to gange pr. uge (onsdag og søndag).
Next update:
- Navigering af N.Music/N.Radio via hovedrums-TV - mulighed for at søge igennem musiksamlingen via TV-skærmen.
- Kontinuerlig afspilning via N.Music, eksempelvis skulle live indspilninger kunne afspilles som et spor i stedet for at deles op i flere numre.
- Hurtigspoling tilbage/fremad i numre via N.Music.
- Adgang til indhold som er lagret på andre enheder, f.eks NAS-driver, server, USB-HDD etc.
- Video shifting - navigering via linkrums-TV.
- Bagud kompatibilitet med ældre Bang & Olufsen TV - mulighed for at tilslutte og anvende BeoMaster 5 sammen med ældre TV som ikke "forstår" PC-kommandoen.
- Underbyggelse af asiatiske tegn og karakterer. ”
- Joined on 02-14-2007
- Moderator - Seattle
- Posts 318
A quick translation from the Danish:
-Support for compilation albums. Previously title and cover art were shown per track, now only one cover art and one title are shown for the respective albums. This improvement also affects solo albums where the artist sings a duet with other artist on one or more of the tracks. These albums will be technically categorized as a "compilation album" and thus shown only once under title and cover.
-Improved MOTS -- reduced risk for copies of the same track to be played close to each other, including not playing the same track despite there being more than one album in the music collection.
-BeoPlayer/BeoPort 5.01 compatible with both BeoMedia1 and and BeoMaster 5.
-Automatic updating of software will happen two times per week going forward (Wednesday and Sunday)
Next Update:
-Navigation of N.MUSIC/N.RADIO via main room TV -- support for searching through the music collection via the TV screen.
-Continuous playback via N.MUSIC, for example live recordings could be played back as one track instead of being divided up in multiple tracks.
-Quick rewind/fast-forward in tracks via N.MUSIC
-Access to content stored on other units, for example NAS-drives, servers, USB-HDD, etc.
-Video Shifting -- Navigation via Linkroom TV
-Backwards compatibility with older Bang & Olufsen TV's -- support for connecting and using BM5 together with older TV's which do not 'understand' the PC command.
- Support for Asian signs and characters
- Joined on 05-21-2007
- Denmark
- Posts 46
Sounds good with the upcoming updates, they allready solved some of the issues that annoid me I'm allready pleased with BS5 and looking forward to be even more pleased
Did any of you get the update?
I can see from other post it is rolled out but my BS5 can not see any new updates yet. I am stationed in Denmark and got my system up running saturday, if this has anything to do with it
Mayby I shall be patient and let the BS5 do the update by itself when it got the time
- Joined on 02-26-2008
- Posts 21
Hmmm.. as far as I have heard the update is due in week 10 i.e. this week but so far no news about actual release time. I spoke to B&O earlier today who says that they also don't know (this was my usual B&O dealer).
But maybe it has already been released... if someone has information I will be happy to know. My BS5 at least has so far not updated anything.
- Joined on 12-01-2007
- Posts 272
This Sounds really good.still waiting for my Beomaster 5
Thanks for that update for Bm 5.
Bv7-55 & Bv7-32...Blue,lab1's x4,Yes4Blue, 6000x4Blue,Beocom6000 Blue,Beo5.Oh what a Blue set-up & a Beosound 5...After all,its Bang&Olufsen!
- Joined on 05-21-2007
- Denmark
- Posts 46
My BeoSound 5 is have just been updated.
BS5/BM5 Application is now,
BS5 Main Firmware 1.30a and
BeoPlayer is
Looking forward to test it.
- Joined on 10-09-2007
- Sweden
- Posts 108
Hello, My BS5 updated nice and gently. My Beoplayer 5.0 do have some problem. When I start it an information tells me that e new BP5 is available and it starts to fetch it from BM5. But after a while when the BP icon has become red som information text appear in VISTA and says something like that I have to log on to a network resource. I try with different alternatives but I don´t understand if I´m supposed to log om the BM5 or the BM5 wants to log on to my PC?
Perhaps mr10 have the solution or Stefan?
Brgds Ingvar
Collector since 1996, BS5/BM5, BL3*4, BL11, BEO6, BV10-46, BL2000, MX4002, Beocom6000, Beotalk1200
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- In Transit
- Posts 441
I did the BS5 update last night. Took about 5 minutes. I did not have time to test it.
Also, because I did not have my BP5 PC connected, I was not aware of a BP5 update. I'll give it a try later today.
- Joined on 05-21-2007
- Denmark
- Posts 46
I think it must have something to do with the autentification system in Vista, are you loggen in as an administrator when the install runs? I stopped using Vista and switched back to XP SP3 and I got no problems. You can try and get the BP application on your Bm-share$\System\Install\BP_Client and install manually.
- Joined on 10-09-2007
- Sweden
- Posts 108
Yes I guess so, Vista is a little "crappy" when it comes to security, especially regarding to small home networks, guess it is the not so famous product "Windows for workgroups" somewhere in the bottom, wouldn´t be surprised.
Yes I am logged in as a administrator, I also tried to give "BEOMASTER5" the administrator role.
But tonight I will install by copying from the BM-SHARE$ as you suggests.
The BP5 perhaps do not have so much new features apart from better handling of albums with several artists I guess.
Thanks for device :-)
BRGDS Ingvar
Collector since 1996, BS5/BM5, BL3*4, BL11, BEO6, BV10-46, BL2000, MX4002, Beocom6000, Beotalk1200
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- In Transit
- Posts 441
Did the BS5 update last night but looking on the extended settings display, nothing seemed to have changed numerically.
Connected my BP loaded PC and upgrade happened within seconds automatically.
Asked whether I wanted to connect BP to BM5 or BM1. Rebooted.
No big differences seen on my machine overall.
- Joined on 05-21-2007
- Denmark
- Posts 46
Mine was updated as follows
BS5/BM5 Application from to 4.00.0953,
BS5 Main Firmware from 1.2a to 1.30a
BeoPlayer from to
I don't know if this was what you where looking for
- Joined on 10-20-2009
- Posts 245
Does any of you know when the following features will be implemented in BM5? -Quick rewind/fast-forward in tracks via N.MUSIC -Access to content stored on other units, for example NAS-drives, servers, USB-HDD, etc. -Video Shifting -- Navigation via Linkroom TV
What I really miss is the navigation from a Link Room TV. There must be a list of prioritised BM5 task in the B&O Development department.
There is something about B&O.....
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Boston USA
- Posts 1,620
There was at some point shortly after introduction a list posted here.
I miss gapless playing with AAC or Apple loss less - Apple loss less format support overall.
BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8
- Joined on 10-20-2009
- Posts 245
When I received my new TV yesterday I was told that there will come a software update to BM5 i December. Does anyone know what the software update will contain?
And I wonder why B&O inform so little about software updates and their future plans, I guess that the dealers would like B&O to be more open and use the net much more.
There is something about B&O.....
- Joined on 10-05-2009
- Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 404
Just talked to my dealer. B&O hope for the next BM5 update to take place in week 4 (no year mentioned though). This should be a major update. It better must be Mjor update with such a long waiting time.............
God, I hope so!
Smaller (think "almost as small as a Fit-PC2i"), and while they're at it, please include "screen feedback" from the remote to the BS5 and a headphone plug (a minijack would suffice) in the BS5 as well.
I forgot: Please have support for 192khz/24bit to match the BL5s DACs
- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 593
Just talked to my dealer. B&O hope for the next BM5 update to take place in week 4 (no year mentioned though). This should be a major update. It better must be Mjor update with such a long waiting time.............
God, I hope so!
Smaller (think "almost as small as a Fit-PC2i"), and while they're at it, please include "screen feedback" from the remote to the BS5 and a headphone plug (a minijack would suffice) in the BS5 as well.
I forgot: Please have support for 192khz/24bit to match the BL5s DACs
This would be a software update for the ages!
- Joined on 10-05-2009
- Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 404
Stan: This would be a software update for the ages!
Hehe, true.
Except for the minijack and the size reduction, the rest is merely software.
- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Finland
- Posts 31
Latest software update is available today.
I installed it and a new exciting feature is described: Now it is possible to have the contents of BM5 to be displayed on the linkroom tv.
I contacted my dealer but they don't know how to activate that feature.
Does anybody know how?
- Joined on 04-21-2007
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Posts 63
I just updated my BM5/BS5 system to version 5.03 and I can now choose PC on my linked bedroom BV5 and connect to the main system BV9/BM5/BS5.
The signal comes via the normal coax connection and the link frequency.
Pressing N.Radio or N.Music only activates audio, no video is started.
No other activation or configuration was needed in my setup.
- Joined on 05-01-2007
- Posts 41
Hello Rolf
sorry my english, i have a BV5 in the main room and can't activate the pc function. Which SW your BV5 has installed?
thx Nidi
- Joined on 04-21-2007
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Posts 63
Could you maybe describe your setup more in detail, how is the BM5/BS5 connected, and to what etc.
This software update "only" solves connections and functionality to linkrooms.
- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Finland
- Posts 31
Seems very simple in theory but somehow my system doesn't work.
I tried L-PC and PC in the linkroom but all I can get is a blinking PC-text on the screen. RADIO and CD are working just fine in the linkroom.
My setup is: BV 7-40 / BM5 / BS5 in the mainroom, BV 10-40 in the linkroom.
The rooms are connected with ML-cable and coaxial cable (areal).
What could be wrong in my setup?
- Joined on 05-01-2007
- Posts 41
Hello Rolf
My setup is: BV5 / BM5 / BS 5 in the mainroom, BV Avant in den linkroom. The rooms are connected with ML-cable and coax.
The BM5 is not connected with video cable with the BV5 because the BV5 don't know the PC function. Is it possible to have the PC function on the BV5 with a software Upgrade.
Thx Nidi