They are grey Chris. Ok, this is getting interesting....
They are rare, but are they any more desirable Chris? I thought the white ones were the most sought-after?
To my mind Black ones are the best looking but I recently sold a pair of Grey CX50's for £170 (which I hope really pi**ed off the first "buyer" who got them for £75 and didn't bother paying - happy days
) so I suppose it all depends on hoping 2 buyers really want them.
As you well know John, ebay is a bit of an anathema and there really is no guarantee of getting top dollar and luck plays as much a part as good photo's & descriptions. One thing is for sure though, if you don't put up good photo's & description then it WILL affect the price.
List them mid week around 9.30 pm and offer postage to Europe - interparcel will ship them via DHL for a reasonable price (much cheaper than parcelfarce and look after them better).
@ topgazza - are you 100% sure there isn't any foam rot? if the foam surrounds are sticky to the touch then I'm afraid it is already set in.
The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.