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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 10-21-2010 9:13 AM by kimhav. 5 replies.
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  • 10-10-2010 1:03 PM

    • kimhav
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    BeoVision 10 wall placement

    What is the opinion regarding what height the BV10-40 should be mounted on the wall? Normally the placement view of the screen is within the eye sight when sitting in the sofa or the armchair; which kind of sounds logical. But, looking from a cinema perspectice the picture is a bit higher up where you kind of either have to look upward by leaning a bit.

    The reason for asking is that when mounting the BV10 within straight eyesight when sitting down the placement is way too low and leaves too much space above the set. For example; if the top of the BV10 measure 180 cm and the botton then is around 80 cm from the floor; it's not straight forward eyesight; but nice leaning angle from the sofa.

    What the opinion/recommendation here?

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  • 10-10-2010 1:17 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoVision 10 wall placement

    The reason the cinema screens are high up is because otherwise the seating area would have to be steeper, thus needing a lot more height for the entire theatre room. Otherwise you couldn't see anything because of the people in front of you.

    From an ergonomic point of view, needing to tilt your head back is bad. If you can avoid that, by all means install the TV simply the way you like the best! Your furniture will affect that as well - if you want to sit in a recliner or a lazy sofa, the TV probably can be higher. My preference is at most at the level of the natural eye sight, rather a bit below it.


  • 10-11-2010 7:21 AM In reply to

    Re: BeoVision 10 wall placement

    Spot on, Mika!

    Beoworld's twenty-eighth ninth prize winner and fifty-first second prize winner. Best £30 I've ever spent!

  • 10-21-2010 6:06 AM In reply to

    • kimhav
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    Re: BeoVision 10 wall placement

    My preference is at most at the level of the natural eye sight, rather a bit below it.

    Actually, I never really given any deeper thoughts, therefore the reason for asking. But, after test sitting various armchairs, sofas, lazy chairs, etc and took notice of how I actually preferred to sit and as well checking out other people. It seems that the most natural is that you have the display a bit higher than your eye sight due to that you usually lean a bit to rest your neck. I mean how many people actually has sofas or armchairs formed as a air plan seat as in economical class where you *** straight up? Unnatural and not at all comfortable for the neck.

    Most sofas and armchairs have a seating height around 45cm where one lean a little bit (comfy and to rest the neck) so it seems that the BV10-40 placements for me seems to be at it best around 60cm from the floor to the bottom edge of the BV.

  • 10-21-2010 7:05 AM In reply to

    Re: BeoVision 10 wall placement

    In hindsight I think my sentence above is easily misunderstood - by "level of the natural eye sight" I don't mean horizontally at your eye level, but the spot where your sight hits the wall when you sit comfortably in your favourite chair and don't make any effort either way. For me, the result is still about the same, but this is probably a subjective matter.

    Perhaps hang a BV10 screen sized picture on the wall and keep staring at it for a while to test how it feels. Much easier to experiment than moving a real BV10 Smile


  • 10-21-2010 9:13 AM In reply to

    • kimhav
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Re: BeoVision 10 wall placement

    What is even better is that the B&O stores has a poster with both BV10-40 & 46 in natural size for testing; kind of nice when trying to figure out where to place and on what height.

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