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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-10-2007 12:26 PM by Jandyt. 4 replies.
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  • 06-10-2007 9:43 AM

    prize draw serene moment

    What an excellent website this is. Not only is it populated by friendly types eager to offer opinions and assistance, but also givers of gifts. After last months prize draw, I am now the lucky owner of a Serene mobile. I am not worthy.I am now getting to grips with the great rubberised feel and fantastic opening action, the frameless display and the quirky ringtones. It's great...I'm just wondering whether my thumbs need re-training in texting fast.Far be it from me to look gift mobiles in the mouth, though.Big thanks to Lee and all the others....keep up the good work.Neil
  • 06-10-2007 10:24 AM In reply to

    • Kevin
    • Top 50 Contributor
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    Re: prize draw serene moment

    Great to hear your enjoying and using your Serene, extremely jealouseLaughing




  • 06-10-2007 10:45 AM In reply to

    • Tom
    • Top 25 Contributor
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    Re: prize draw serene moment

    Enjoy it. I think you are the first winner to post about his prize! Congrats!

    Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - Berthold Auerbach

  • 06-10-2007 11:58 AM In reply to

    Re: prize draw serene moment

     Congratulations Neil, apart from obviously the first price i had my heart set on winning the Serene. Hopefully I'll win the Serene this month. Smile

    Never Mind The Ball-Cocks

    A labourer uses his hands
    A tradesman uses his hands and his head
    A craftsman uses his hands, his head and his heart

  • 06-10-2007 12:26 PM In reply to

    • Jandyt
    • Top 10 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-01-2007
    • Clitheroe, Lancashire, UK
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    Re: prize draw serene moment

    I agree, Thanks,Neil for reporting back to us. Hope you enjoy your Serene!
    I think mine is grrrreat.

    Andy T.

    Poor me, never win owt!

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