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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-12-2011 10:24 AM by Dillen. 2 replies.
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  • 11-11-2011 8:04 PM

    Beovox 3800 - Value?


    This is my first post here, and I will use it to ask a question.

    I recently inherited a set of Beovox 3800 speakers. They are in good condition and sound great but as I already have a home cinema system I have no need for them, and as they are too large to store I was going to try and sell them. However I have no frame of reference. What are they worth? There are none available to buy from any B&O retailers, nor any on sites like Ebay. I understand that the 3800s were only manufactured during 1974, and only in the UK, but do these attributes give them any value? Or are they just another discontinued speaker?

    If anyone could shed any light on the issue it would be appreciated.

  • 11-11-2011 8:56 PM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Beovox 3800 - Value?

    Ebay as always is your best point of reference re: market values of anything. I would honestly say your speakers are probably worth far more than they will sell for in that they are wonderful speakers that very few people would actually want  these days. Beovox 3800's appear regularly on ebay which is probably your best point of sale, but don't be surprised if they don't sell. Nor would I be equally surprised if they made a fair amount as condition & quality of listing is paramount with B&O. 

    I fully realise that this isn't the definative answer to your query but to be honest most other Beoworlders are likely to agree with me - luck of the draw is real deal here.


    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 11-12-2011 10:24 AM In reply to

    • Dillen
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    • Copenhagen / Denmark
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    Re: Beovox 3800 - Value?

    Worth mentioning that the Beovox 3800 speakers were UK only.
    I know they are fairly heavy speakers but there will probably be (there are!) B&O collectors in
    other parts on the world who would be interested if you can offer worldwide shipping so
    give that a little thought when eventually listing them.


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