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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-12-2009 2:01 PM by stotty1111. 2 replies.
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  • 06-12-2009 12:30 PM

    • stotty1111
    • Top 75 Contributor
    • Joined on 12-16-2007
    • UK / France - Nth Worcestershire/Finistere
    • Posts 924
    • Gold Member

    AV2 Expander problems

    Got one of these beasts off Andy of Weston on appro so to speak having difficulty getting it to work !

    Peter has very kindly been of assistance in verifying the power pack is the correct one.

    However the pic on the case indicates the +ve supply line is the centre of the socket and the outer sheath is negative - the power pack has been setup in this manner but the piece don't work, have opened up the box and the socket on the board appears to take the +ve feed onto the -ve  side of the first decoupling electrolytic cap this cannot be correct tried the supply the other way round still don't work !

    Suggestions gratefully taken onboard!

    Come on guys/gals help please!


    I always try to operate using/following the KISS principle --  Keep it simple stupid!

  • 06-12-2009 1:53 PM In reply to

    Re: AV2 Expander problems

    I used to use one and I do remember having to reverse the polarity of the power adapter to get it to work! What is your TV? What do you connect at the back of the expander. p.
  • 06-12-2009 2:01 PM In reply to

    • stotty1111
    • Top 75 Contributor
    • Joined on 12-16-2007
    • UK / France - Nth Worcestershire/Finistere
    • Posts 924
    • Gold Member

    Re: AV2 Expander problems

    Got an mx7000, also a 4000,ie  the current beast - use av2 connection - but without it connected to anything would assume the on / off led would light or does it need to be in service so to speak with a signal from the tv?

    Have also replaced the on board 15v zener to no avail


    I always try to operate using/following the KISS principle --  Keep it simple stupid!

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