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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 04-15-2009 9:12 PM by Jonathan. 71 replies.
04-13-2009 2:13 PM

- Joined on 07-04-2007
- Somewhere Secret
- Posts 1,015

The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Well – a warm welcome to everyone here on BeoWorld from me, your guest poster for tonight.. the legendary metallic maestro, the wonderful mechanised masterpiece, the handsome.. oh, we could go on all night.. PrizeDrawBot !!! (you may cheer…. wait for it….. NOW!!!)
No Prizes as such tonight – more Awards. Yes, it’s the BeoWorld Oscars – where you, the wonderful BeoWorld Members have voted in your hundreds to show your appreciation of who makes BeoWorld what it is – the best site on the whole of this interweb type thing!! When i say no Prizes, you have me on a technicality.. There are bottles of Moet & Chandon Champagne for all our category winners to help them celebrate being so very darn popular on this here website!!
Coming up tonight are three categories – and one overall Winner, and of course the ‘BeoWorld Member of the Year’.. As a reminder – here they are again.
1 - Most Helpful Member
Is there a certain member that always offers to help and is happy to beaver away behind the scenes to resolve a problem for just about anybody at any time? Has he or she helped you solve an issue once or more than once? Say 'Thank You' by voting for that person!
2 - Most Entertaining Member
Is there a member who always cracks you up laughing and spreads humour across the site? Has he or she got more jokes than the Comedy Central channel, or does that person just have a totally left-field view of everything that makes you chuckle. Vote for him or her!
3 - Most Valuable Contributor
Who in your opinion over the last 12 months has added real quality to the discussions on BeoWorld with their knowledge and wisdom. Do you always look at this persons posts with great interest because you know it will contain fascinating facts or a seriously well informed opinion? If you have a member that fits the bill - vote for that person!
BeoWorld Member of the Year
This Special Award is for the person who has embodied the spirit of BeoWorld over the last 12 Months. Think of why you come on BeoWorld, why you like it, then think of what it is that makes it so unique amongst all the other sites on the internet. Then, think of the member you feel has done the most to make the site like this. Simple!
So - the votes are in.. and we have winners !!
In just under half an hour - i will announce them to the world, well - the BeoWorld at least !!
Yahoooooooo !!!! 
you wanna da prizes? I give a da prizes... Simples.

- Joined on 04-28-2007
- Hull UK (again)
- Posts 693

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Well for once I'm here.
Я люблю Банг и Oлуфсен

- Joined on 07-04-2007
- Somewhere Secret
- Posts 1,015

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Well - good evening, and Welcome to all attending!!
If you're not here.. never mind, you can always read it after the event. It's just like watching the football scores on TV.. nothing like being there, but you at least know the outcome.
In about 1 minute, we're making the announcements!! Get your beers, wines or spirits and sit back. Awards are a-comin'....
you wanna da prizes? I give a da prizes... Simples.

- Joined on 07-04-2007
- Somewhere Secret
- Posts 1,015

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
First up is the category for Most Helpful Member..
Is there a certain member that always offers to help and is happy to beaver away behind the scenes to resolve a problem for just about anybody at any time? Has he or she helped you solve an issue once or more than once? Say 'Thank You' by voting for that person!
Well - we have literally hundreds of these types of people as BeoWorld is one of the most supportive an helpful enthusiast sites on the internet, but - alas, there is only one winner in the BeoWorld Awards !!
I will count down the top three in reverse order, and in Third Place this year is..
I know a few people who have had the pleasure of meeting Chris personally as well as on the forums, and apparently he's an absolutely fantastic bloke. Good voting!
you wanna da prizes? I give a da prizes... Simples.

- Joined on 07-04-2007
- Somewhere Secret
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Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
In Second Place in the Most Helpful Member category is..
This man knows more about classic B&O than errr.. B&O !! He's helped more people with vintage B&O than anyone on record, and he is loved and revered on this here website for sure! Actually, he helps people with all products - but it seems the 'Vintage Brigade' love him dearly..
Well done Martin, and thank you from everyone you helped - they voted for you! 
you wanna da prizes? I give a da prizes... Simples.

- Joined on 07-04-2007
- Somewhere Secret
- Posts 1,015

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
And - here we are... our first BeoWorld Oscar of the night goes to the Most Helpful Member of 2009..
Of course, we should have known...
Keith Saunders
I think about 600 potentially redundant Beo5's had a hand in the voting (Keith, you must have programmed them to vote for you?!!) as this was the only 'landslide' victory of the 2009 BeoWorld Awards. So, thank you Keith for being an absolute star and helping so many people. In the end, being as helpful as your good self gets recognition - and surely no more than receiving the BeoWorld Award for this category!
Three cheers for Chris, Martin, and an extra loud one for Keith !!
you wanna da prizes? I give a da prizes... Simples.

- Joined on 04-28-2007
- Hull UK (again)
- Posts 693

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Congrats to all 3 - very well deserved! 
Я люблю Банг и Oлуфсен

- Joined on 07-04-2007
- Somewhere Secret
- Posts 1,015

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Second Category - BeoWorld's Most Entertaining Member..
Is there a member who always cracks you up laughing and spreads humour across the site? Has he or she got more jokes than the Comedy Central channel, or does that person just have a totally left-field view of everything that makes you chuckle. Vote for him or her!
Well, what a wide range of votes we had this year! The voting was dead level for the first two places right up until an hour before the voting closed. Who will win??!!!
In Third Place..
Flappo the Grate
Cautious, Thoughtful and Considerate are all words i wouldn't use for Flappo - but if you want Sharp, Witty and Cutting - he has them by the bucket load. People obviously like the sledgehammer approach as they voted in their droves. So - Flappo, thanks for being our third most entertaining member this year!!
you wanna da prizes? I give a da prizes... Simples.

- Joined on 05-04-2007
- Posts 6,214

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
congrats chris, martin, and keith! all well deserved!

- Joined on 07-04-2007
- Somewhere Secret
- Posts 1,015

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Second Place in the Most Entertaining Member is...
Trip English
Wit sharper than a swordsmands blade, and humour drier than a Camels flip-flop, he's the man that looks like Captain James T. Kirk more than Captain James T. Kirk (in his avater at least).
A funny man, with some very good opinions - that have been recognised by a lot of people !!
Well done Trip - you have been beamed up to BeoWorld Immortality 
you wanna da prizes? I give a da prizes... Simples.

- Joined on 06-13-2007
- Northern Ireland
- Posts 362

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Sorry I'm somewhat late, had forgotten about the awards! Congrats to Keith on his most helpful member award!

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- LS28/GB
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Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Well done Trip - you had my vote ;)
President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

- Joined on 07-04-2007
- Somewhere Secret
- Posts 1,015

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
And now - BeoWorld's Most Entertaining Member is...
A Dead Heat !!!
We had them at neck and neck with an hour to go, and we then had 16 more votes in from then until voting closed.. 8 votes went to other members, and 4 each went to these two. We are talking literally hundreds of votes, and still they were level - it looks like a fix, i know, but i can completely assure you it's 100% correct as the votes have been counted three times by four people, and then verified by me. Amazing.. not quite what we expected!
So, without further ado - and i'm sure we've all guessed already - BeoWorld's TWO most entertaining members are
Well done and thank you from everyone at BeoWorld to the two of you, and a bottle of Moet & Chandon Champagne EACH shall be finding it's way to your doors. We'll have to dash out and buy an extra one as we didn't quite expect this.. If only you lived closer you could share a bottle and save us money!
Cheers to you both 
you wanna da prizes? I give a da prizes... Simples.

- Joined on 06-13-2007
- Northern Ireland
- Posts 362

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
A rather appropriate dead heat in my opinion, two super members, congrats Puncher and Andy! Also, well done Flappo and Trip, always enjoy reading your posts.