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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 02-12-2009 6:37 AM by StrangeSteve. 2 replies.
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  • 02-06-2009 9:38 AM

    Another Prestigo 8015 question

    Just bought one of these off ebay fro £30 brand new. I have read the thread on it and it seems to be fine however,

    If say im using the DVB ( which is none B&O compatible), then I want to switch back to normal analogue TV ( yes i know why would I want to do that) I cant or don't know how to switch the inputs on the philips prestigo. I have to physically switch between either internal VCR, DVD or DVB ( on the sat button) with the B&O remotes.

    If im using the prestigo and I switch from DVB to say video or DVD surely  prestigo can be set up to swap the inputs on the tv without having to use the original B&O remote, Am i missing something ?.





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  • 02-06-2009 1:23 PM In reply to

    Re: Another Prestigo 8015 question

    I assigned those to the top four coloured buttons, and used the Learning remote function of the Prestigo to let it learn the necessary codes. Worked a treat.

    Just enter the learning remote function, start with the top left button, let that be DVB, go through the routine for assigning a remote command from the Beo4 to it; next do the same for the button to the right of it for VCR; and continue until you've filled them. You can assign new commands to just about any button.

  • 02-12-2009 6:37 AM In reply to

    Re: Another Prestigo 8015 question


    now sorted, i did use the coloured buttons on the top to change A.V sources, ive now lost the digital text functions as they use the coloured buttons but not too worried about that.




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