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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-05-2009 5:03 PM by Carl Sheerman. 10 replies.
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  • 01-04-2009 6:26 PM

    BV 7, 40 inch Connections

    I am currently awaiting the delivery of my new BV7 40 inch Mk III and am now planning the connections for the following, PS3, ATV, Virgin V+, and beoport for my mac computer.  My first question is what will the best audio be gained from the HDMI for all the inputs bar the beoport or will the SPDIF give me better audio.  I am also getting a Beo 5 which will be configured in my house by the installation team.  

    My computer is linked via a Beoport and the sound is via an old Beolab 2000 which gives superb sound  but i have to press Net music to get sound, however i also watch tv from my Mac Pro computer as i have 2 screens.  My PS3 is currently using the PC on the Beo 4 with my BV 7 32 inch. My second question is is there a button i can select that will turn on the Beolab 2000 which will just except any output from the computer via the beoport.  The ATV used VAUX and the soon to be leaving sky box uses the DTV.  My connections are below:

    PS3 = PC

    ATV = VAUX

    SKY/Virgin = DTV 

    I am just concerned that i will still need to press net music then stop it to get sound to watch TV on my second screen.  I look forward to the replies.  Thank you.

    Carl Sheerman

  • 01-04-2009 6:45 PM In reply to

    • Alex
    • Top 25 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-16-2007
    • Bath & Cardiff, UK
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    Re: BV 7, 40 inch Connections

    For the first question, I would say simply connect it via BeoPort; I think this will be best for your setup.

    As for the second question, I'm not quite sure I understand you fully; is the BeoLab 2000 in the same room as the computer?

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  • 01-04-2009 6:56 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 7, 40 inch Connections

    The beoport and the Beolab 2000 are connected by masterlink to the system downstairs and not directly to the Beoport as there is no way to connect the beolab direct to the beoport.  It is in the same room as the computer.  I appreciate your help in this Alex.

    Carl Sheerman

  • 01-04-2009 7:13 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 7, 40 inch Connections

    Hi Carl, I have read your post a couple of times and like Alex I am slightly confused by the exact questions to which you want answers.

    I have a BV7-40 Mark 3 and can tell you that connectivity will not be a problem you'll be faced with given the components you have. The B&O installers should set this all up without you having to worry about what goes where. The BeloLab 2000s will work fine in your setup.

    I am slightly confused as to the BV7-32 you have; where it is positioned (in relation to the new BV7-40 - which should be your new master) and what you actually want from the entire setup. The installers should sort all this out for you.

    On the subject of Beo5 - my thoughts on this are as follows. I think it is very much a dealership issue. I consider myself fortunate that my local dealership (Bath, South West UK) have gone out of their way to give me the best setup they can with my Beo5, albeit at my request! They have configured my B&O hardware along with my Lutron lighting products throughout the home. I am most grateful for this and particualrly to Keith who provided the Lutron Rania XML code that was hugely beneficial for me (and I am sure many other users) of this forum.

    It is clear that of the many B&O dealerships out there (some franchised - some not) - there are those that stand out from the crowd and do their absolute best to help you and keep you as a loyal customer. Bath are that kind of dealership; credit given where credit due. The customer experience I have received from that shop to date has been excellent.

    I can only wish you the same experience with the dealership local to you.


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  • 01-04-2009 7:30 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 7, 40 inch Connections

    Firstly let me say thank you for taking the time out to assist me.  Maybe i could have posted the question slightly better.  My question is as follows.

    What is better for sound, HDMI or SPDIF connected to a BV7 40.

    Regarding the other queries i will take your advice and hope that my local dealership is as helpful and informed as yours are.  I used to use a dealership in Barnstable but since a new shop opened up in exeter some time ago i have now placed my confidence and my cash in them.  I must say it sounds as though you have a great team at your local branch. Thanks once again.



    Carl Sheerman

  • 01-04-2009 10:44 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 7, 40 inch Connections

    1. Best sound? HDMI. (Just don't ask 355f or Razlaw! )

    2. As far as what buttons to press, this won't be as big an issue since you're getting the Beo 5. It's great that you've thought out which command (DTV, etc.) will be married to which component, but it's probably not necessary. The Beo 5 could make a button that looks like a pair of shoes that goes three channels up. It's really down to the talent of the programmer. 

    Long story short, while certain "button pressing compromises" had to be tolerated with the Beo 4, the Beo 5 should allow you a button to do whatever you'd like. I think that we are learning (against Bang & Olufsen's better judgement) just how much the Beo 5 is capable of.

    You should be quite pleased with your new setup! 

    There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin

  • 01-05-2009 4:24 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 7, 40 inch Connections

    Thanks Trip i cant wait for it to be fitted.  Gonna watch all my blueray movies again after its fitted.  Yipeeee 

    Carl Sheerman

  • 01-05-2009 4:40 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 7, 40 inch Connections

    Carl Sheerman:
    Gonna watch all my blueray movies again after its fitted.  Yipeeee 

    Crikey Carl, How long are you on leave? Yes -  thumbs up

    BTW, B&O in Exeter are good guys. Ive only bought small items from them (cables, remote covers and remote holders ect). But we NEED a B&O shop in Plymouth (although i cant see this happening).

    Mark Smile

    Never Mind The Ball-Cocks

    A labourer uses his hands
    A tradesman uses his hands and his head
    A craftsman uses his hands, his head and his heart

  • 01-05-2009 4:50 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 7, 40 inch Connections

    Hi Mark finished leave today so back to the grind.  A Bang & Olufsen shop in Plymouth would be perfect but in the current climate its just not gonna happen.  An ideal location is the soon to be defunct Zavvi shop but unless you know some rich millionaires with money to throw around.  Anyway still waiting for the delivery date 


    Carl Sheerman

  • 01-05-2009 4:57 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 7, 40 inch Connections

    I thought over near Cody would be a better location as all the B&O dealerships ive been too are normally just off the high street.

    I dont think B&O in the old Zavvi building would be a good image with all the 'Goths' hanging around outside LOL Unsure

    Never Mind The Ball-Cocks

    A labourer uses his hands
    A tradesman uses his hands and his head
    A craftsman uses his hands, his head and his heart

  • 01-05-2009 5:03 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 7, 40 inch Connections

    You never know they might have rich parent goths  Nice idea though.  I must admit that your correct when you say most B & O dealerships are a wee bit off the track.  The cost alone to open a B & O shop must be astronomical. 


    Carl Sheerman

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