Hi all:
I have another project on the go that I will probabl get half way through and then not be bothered to finish it. Well at least whilst it holds my interest in will keep me out of trouble:
What I am intending to do is get an old television of iconic "of its era" design - namely an old Ferguson from the 70s/80s or a Bakerlite model, remove the innards and put a stripped down PC with LCD screen, Freeview etc in it. Like a retro media centre.
I am hoping to get most of the components from Freecycle.
What I would like to know is, do LCD monitors/screens carry the same high voltages as CRTs? I think that I may actually have to take the LCD screen out of its casing to make it look/fit better inside the old TV case. However, I do not really want to get 240v through my hands.
Has anyone on here tried something similar? I have heard of people doing it and was thus wondering what are the things to look out for are etc.