Ok, Armed (armed and dangerous) with a service manual I popped the top of the deck off and looked around. I think I see what's going on now. The "stutter" is ocuring when the geared camwheels are engaged (start/stop and lift/lower) you can see the suspension shake as these gears mesh. I can easily feel it rotating the patter.
The thing is at this point in time I think both channels should be muted but only one is. So I hear the warble and see the woofer bounce on that one side as the gears mesh. The channel does mute eventually but it's very late in the process. I think I can live the deck if the mute is working as it should. Otherwise I'll probably flip it. I'm not sure where to look to fix the muting. I really don't want to dismantle it any further if I can avoid it.
Thanks all. -Cubby
ps - it's amazing how much the default avatar looks just like me. :-)