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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 12-31-2007 4:30 AM by BenSA. 2 replies.
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  • 12-27-2007 10:00 AM

    Beosystem 3500 Problem - Can anyone help

    I have a Beosystem 3500 that has been working perfectly for the last couple of years. When it was transported home and back briefly I plugged it all back together and the CD player now isnt working. It is all plugged in correctly and the the red lights are flashing play and it seems to be reading it and skipping through the tracks but no sound is coming out.  When I play the radio this works fine, so it isnt an issue with the speakers.

     Any help would be greatly appreciated


  • 12-30-2007 3:20 PM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Beosystem 3500 Problem - Can anyone help

    Hi Hatty121 & welcome to BeoworldSmile

    First thing to try is plugging the CD into the tape input & see if there is any sound form that source.



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 12-31-2007 4:30 AM In reply to

    • BenSA
    • Top 75 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-16-2007
    • Durban, South Africa
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    Re: Beosystem 3500 Problem - Can anyone help

    I'd also check the DIN plug of the cd player to see that the wires haven't come loose inside. Is the data link between the cd player and Beomaster working?

    Durban South Africa

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