I observed a strange phenomenon this evening.
Before I went to Holland, I had programmed my 7000 to turn on global light picture 1 at 6.30 pm.
I have two LC1s and one LC2.
In my setup, light picture 1 is corner light on, other two off
2 is Big light on , others off
3 is corner on, outside on, big off
4 is Big on, outside on, corner off.
This evening I was reading my newly accquired magalog (in English) with big light on.I had forgotten all about the timer play.
At 6.30, the corner light came on and then about three seconds later, the big light went off!
Obviouosly, the 7000 had sent two commands, but what?
I think it had sent 'lamp,1,on' then later 'lamp,2, off' and possibly 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 off aswell.
If this is the case then the 7000 can do lamp control. So why can't it do timer lamp control, only timer global light picture control.
I'm really curious about this, can anybody shed some light? (pun intended)
Andy T.