I am assuming that you were listening to DAB radio at the time and your "bang" could be a short transmission fault or more likely it could be a "Brown out" or "mains spike". If it does not happen again, then you can assume it is caused by one of these problems.
Brownout Definition: A reduction in the mains voltage without a complete loss of power. A brownout is a steady lower voltage state. An example of a brownout happens during peak electrical demands in the summer, when utilities can't always meet the requirements and must lower the voltage to limit maximum power. When this happens, computer systems can experience data corruption, data loss and premature hardware failure and Video and audio systems can have variable symptoms including speaker noise, shutdown/restart and switch off.
High Voltage Spike Defintion: High voltage spikes occur when there is a sudden, rapid voltage peak of up to 6,000 volts with a duration of 100mS to 1/2cycle These spikes are usually the result of nearby lightning strikes, but there can be other causes as well. The effects on vulnerable electronic systems can include loss of data and burned circuit boards.