- "The"-Bands (e.g. The Mars Volta ) are sorted by name without the "The" in this case under the Letter "M" ... is there a way to change it to sort it under "T" ?
I thought it could be switched of in Twonky (xml, but I can't find it back. First I found it strange, even annoying, but I am used to it now. There is an advantage. If you make an error with the names (f.e. you forget to place "the" for the name) the artist are placed successively in the list.
Stephan: - Sometimes covers dont show up although I have the album art saved in the respective folder under the name folder.jpg and if I tell iTunes to build up an new library from the contends of the NAS, the covers show up in iTunes (so they must be linked to the file)
I always embed the covers in the music files. This is easier than the separate cover file in the directory. Did you check if Twonky shows a cover if you doesn't have a cover on your BS5. To check Twonky open a browser type the <IP address of your NAS>:9000 (f.e. Which graphic is shown if the BS5 doesn't show the album cover. Is it the file with the B&o mark in it or just a cover with a "note" and without B&o. In case of the last, Twonky is unabble to read a cover file.
In iTunes and other programs the covers in the same directory as the music files are not "linked". The program just search an appropiate graphic file.
I use solemnly JPEG of about 500*500. They have a good resolution and are always visible (note as explained before: the covers are embedded in the music files)
Stephan: - Whats the correct way to upload new music? I rip a CD, attach the cover, convert the Apple lossless files to a format that the BS5E can handle and save this on the NAS, then I add the cover as folder.jpg file into the respective folder. Do I need to refresh the Twonky library every time I upload a new ripped CD and if the answer is yes, do I need to rescan the BS5E music source as well?
I rip cd's/dvda/br to the pc's HDD and copy them to my NAS. Because the embedded covers, I do not have additional files in the music directories. If Twonky is setup correctly it detects changes and adds the new files to its database. If the files are added to the Twonky db then they are also added to the BS5/BS5e (some time delay can happen; to accelerate the proces you can do a rescan).
Twonky setup check: start "<IP address of your NAS>:9000/config" goto "Sharing" ("Freigaben") choose "Rescan in minutes:' ("Erneutes Durchsuchen (in Minuten):") and put in the checkbox -1. This tells Twonky to update the database if something has changed.