Hello David,
The Power-off key on Beo6 turns off the PS3 only and has no effect on your TV.
So the situation you describe seems to be normal.
Did your dealer install the "PS3-RE.BL" PUC in your TV?
The PUC gives 4 options to turn off a device:
--> On source change --> While PS3 is on its menu (XMB interface), if you change to DTV the PS3 should turn off.
--> On TV standby --> While PS3 is on its menu, it should turn off when you turn off the TV.
--> Always on --> No comment :)
--> Manual --> You have to turn the PS3 On or Off using the Beo6, then change the source or directly turn the TV off with the red button.
If the PUC has been installed on your TV, this setting is available following this sequence (at least on a BV9 and using a Beo5):
Menu (Twice if you are on DTV or another PUC source).
Connexions (sources)
AVxx (xx is the input on which the PS3 is connected)
The PUC is in the "STB" section (scroll between sections using the Left/right keys), select the Sony PS3 RE-BL item.
Select the mode you prefer
If you are not familiar to setting up your TV, I suggest that you contact your dealer. It mighf be the opportunity to have the PUC file installed in your TV.
Kind regards,
Ne pas s'en faire et boire frais!
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Pictures of my setup: click on my nickname, above my avatar. Then "my files" at the bottom of the page.