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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 07-24-2010 5:49 PM by ablaumeise. 3 replies.
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  • 04-22-2010 12:47 PM

    Need a Beomaster 1200 Volume Slider


    Hi there,

    I'm looking for a volume slider (or one of the other small ones) from a Beomaster 1200. (Yes, once again. But last time it was a BM 3000 Stick out tongue)

    Just bought a BM 1200 on eBay. Paid a ridiculously high price for it (at least for the condition it is in), but it actually includes a original wall mount!

    Hasn't even arrived yet, but I thought I'd ask anyway as I will need a new slider one way or another.

    Maybe someone has a spares unit somewhere?

    Thanks in advance,



  • 05-12-2010 3:32 PM In reply to

    • Maurice
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 11-26-2007
    • United Kingdom
    • Posts 56
    • Silver Member

    Re: Need a Beomaster 1200 Volume Slider

    Hi Chris

    I maybe able to help you with your slider i have spare ones for a beomaster 1001 "black ones" you can paint strip and spray them to the silver which is what B&O did If your interested let me know, The payment?  hmmmmmmm LET ME SEE!!!Whistle picture and  detailed measurements of the wall bracket as i would really like to make one for my beo1200 hope thats not too high a price. Smile

    Regards Maurice.

  • 05-12-2010 6:41 PM In reply to

    Re: Need a Beomaster 1200 Volume Slider

    Hi Maurice,

    thanks for your offer! A black slider wouldn't be a problem, I will have to repaint the others anyway. After a good clean the BM looks almost mint now; would be great to get it working again. Smile

    I took some photos and wrote down the measurements. If you need more or better quality photos, just let me know. Cool

    Some more info: The wall mount consists of two parts. The actual bracket, which is screwed to the wall with two screws, and a cable cover that covers the - then on top - connectors.

    Actually it's a pretty simple construction. First you insert the lower part of the bracket into the slots on the feet of the BM, then you push it up until the upper part locks into place (see photos). Therefore the two strips of metal that run from the lower slots to the main bracket have to be a bit flexible. Those are 0,75mm in diameter whereas the other parts are 1mm.

    Afterwards you simply plug in the cable cover from the top.


  • 07-24-2010 5:49 PM In reply to

    Re: Need a Beomaster 1200 Volume Slider

    Took me some time till I found the motivation to finish this, but finally I did Stick out tongue

    Stripped the slider of its black paint and repainted it (and the other sliders as well). Found a paint that matches the original…so nobody will ever notice. Big Smile

    Many thanks to Maurice again!

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