I'd just like to say a public thank you from all of us at BeoWorld to Gavin Sykes, owner of STB Brackets who has agreed to sponsor / advertise on BeoWorld for a further 12 Months this May.
Gavin has always been a true B&O enthusiast (he has some jaw-dropping vintage pieces in his collection) as well as a great supporter of BeoWorld ever since we launched the 'new' site, and advertising on BeoWorld has obviously been a success for him too!
The revenue from this advertising goes towards the high server and maintenance costs associated with such a large website as well as funding future upgrades, both on the main site and of course the forum.
So - from all of us at BeoWorld to the team at STB Brackets.. (see below)
BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen
BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen