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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-10-2010 4:50 PM by Peter. 3 replies.
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  • 06-08-2010 4:48 PM

    Will my Beomaster 4400 work with Beolab Penta 2 Speakers?

    I have a Beomaster 4400 and the speakers I am using (Magnapans) have an issue and sound terrible so I looked on eBay for B&O speakers and I found these Penta 2s in great shape. But since it is internally amplified, can I successfully use them with the 4400?

    Do I have to use a line out or tape monitor connection, or can I go right to speaker outputs?

    I'd really like to get these speakers but do not want to swap one set of issues for another.

    Thank-you all!

  • 06-08-2010 5:00 PM In reply to

    Re: Will my Beomaster 4400 work with Beolab Penta 2 Speakers?

    The most sensible way to get these together would be to remove the amps from the Pentas (easy, as what will be left will be a pair of passive Pentas with now useless display modules inside).

    You could probably also attach the Speakerlink inputs of the Pentas to the 4400 outputs, or use attenuated phono speaker adapters connected to the line inputs on the Pentas, so you will using the Penta amps (with no displays).

    The latter methods will be a terrible waste of both the Pentas and the 4400, the first method a terrible waste of the Pentas Sad


  • 06-10-2010 2:29 PM In reply to

    Re: Will my Beomaster 4400 work with Beolab Penta 2 Speakers?

    The most straightforward (and non-destructive!) solution would be to click on the 'Sounds Heavenly' link at the bottom of this page and order a set of attenuated cables.



  • 06-10-2010 4:50 PM In reply to

    Re: Will my Beomaster 4400 work with Beolab Penta 2 Speakers?

    Sorry - don't agree. The simplest way by far is to simply connect the Beomaster to the Pentas. The Pentas can accept amplified signal and attenuate this themselves so you don't need expensive cable. One can argue that the BM4400 is a bit wasted and that you are effectively using two power amplifiers but the load of the Pentas will be so high that the distortion on the signal with be negligable. Look in the user manual to set up the switches on the Penta properly.

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