Hier ist der Text von Steve, das angesprochene Foto hat er leider vergessen anzuhängen
Your Beolab 2500 speakers are unusual, as they are designed to only work with B&O audio systems or televisions, so you cannot use a cable to connect them to your iPod (all other Beolab speakers can be used with an iPod, but not your Beolab 2500). However, I do produce a Trigger Box which will allow them to work with an iPod, this costs £50 GBP including a 1 metre iPod input cable and a UK/European mains power supply. This has two Powerlink 8 pin output sockets to allow your speakers to be connected and it has a switch on the top to turn the speakers on and off. I have enclosed some photographs of the box, which measures approx. 10cm x 6cm x 4cm. Please note that the box is currently available in white, not in black as shown in the photographs.
The box does not include Powerlink output cables.