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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 05-12-2009 7:28 AM by timhanna. 2 replies.
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  • 05-12-2009 3:25 AM

    Controlling a PS3 via Link


    Finally, after all the help of the beoworlders here, I convinced myself to get a BV1 and love it! BeoLinking is so much fun! haha.

    The BV1 is currently only connected via masterlink (not antenna yet since i am waiting for the RF amp link to arrive). It is masterlinked to an ouverture and bv7-40. A.AUX from my mac is shared, cd, radio everything. I havent tested the DTV sound yet but hopefully will soon!

    What I would really like however is to eventually be able to control and display my PS3 (connected to my bv7) via the link. My bv7 can do so, however i believe that the problem im going to have is to be able to display the PS3 menu on the BV1.

    Currently it is connected via HDMI, however is it possible to have the component selected as well, and for the BV7 to be able to distribute SD quality upon demand? Or will i need to change the connectivity manually on the PS3 everytime i want to access it via each TV?


  • 05-12-2009 6:55 AM In reply to

    Re: Controlling a PS3 via Link

    It's my understanding that in order for this to work seamlessly, the PS3 will need to be able to output on both HDMI and SCART at the same time - and I'm not sure it can.

    Else you either have SCART permanently (not adviseable, as the PS3 looks fairly awful), or change the settings on the PS3 each time you want to view it in another room.

  • 05-12-2009 7:28 AM In reply to

    Re: Controlling a PS3 via Link

    doh :( there goes the masterplan :'(

    Why are things never simple!

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