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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 05-01-2009 8:52 PM by wareeyos. 6 replies.
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  • 04-29-2009 8:50 PM

    headphone jack for beomaster 1900

    Hi all B&O people,

    i just owned beomaster 1900 and beogram 1500. this is also the first hi-fi in my life. to be honest, the thing that make me decide to buy with out any knowledge is the look of them and when they arrived at my house. i even more fall in love with their appearance. i tried to test and find out that there is anything wrong with this two units because if there is something not in order i would like to get it fix here in london. i love to use the system as long as i can and would like to take them back with me to my country (thailand) that i beleive that it is real hard to find someone to fix them there. there are a couple issue that i found out right now (by testing without speaker!! i forgot to tell that i have no speaker yet -_-'). almost the problem is in beomaster 1900. below is the list that i wanna know. (my english is pretty poor, please be patient with me).

    Beomaster 1900:

    1. LEDs light for tape and fm1-3 is not working. is it hard to find repair shop to fix them or can i deal with B&O shop directly?

    2. i would like to test headphone socket but i have only 3.5mm jack headphone, can i find converter from b&o jack to 3.5mm jack? and how to call headphone jack that suit with this unit, is it 6.35mm? so that i can have a search for convertor in internet.

    3. As i told you above, i have no speaker yet and looking for a pair now. i dont mind to get more modern speakers to get better sound quality. the thing i wanna know is how to descripe the speaker socket, does it has a name to call? so i can find the suitable speaker or convertor if i wanna use modern speaker.

    Beogram 1500:

    from seller, he claimed that the phono cartridge is still fine but i may need to change it for proper use. i tried to look it up in some online shop and their price shocked me. is it right that the price of b&o cartridge is around £200? does it has the similar cartridge (other brands) that is cheaper and can be fitted with beogram 1500(in case of i really need to change it)?

    last question is before i will go back to my country, i would like to send them to shop to check and clean inside to make them stay alive with me as long as they can (i am not sure that i can do by myself since i always break thing when i try to fix it.) can anyone who live in uk reccommend me the repair service that you know? it would be great if they are in london.

    i am really appreciated every answers, comments and advices.

    many thanks in advance.

  • 04-29-2009 9:13 PM In reply to

    Re: headphone jack for beomaster 1900

    welcome to beoworld!

    1. LEDs light for tape and fm1-3 is not working. is it hard to find repair shop to fix them or can i deal with B&O shop directly?

    member: "Dillen" has the correct spec lights for these. i would suggest replacing all of them at the same time. you might also want to consider a capacitor replacement kit from him also.

    2. i would like to test headphone socket but i have only 3.5mm jack headphone, can i find converter from b&o jack to 3.5mm jack? and how to call headphone jack that suit with this unit, is it 6.35mm? so that i can have a search for convertor in internet.

    in the states, i sourced a 1/4 -> 1/8 adapter for a few dollars. should be available at maplins or similar in the uk.

    3. As i told you above, i have no speaker yet and looking for a pair now. i dont mind to get more modern speakers to get better sound quality. the thing i wanna know is how to descripe the speaker socket, does it has a name to call? so i can find the suitable speaker or convertor if i wanna use modern speaker.

    speakers are your preference, b&o or otherwise. i would recommend period s45's! regardless, you want 2 pin DIN connectors, maplins again. you will need a pair of male and females for b&o speakers, just the males for other brand... spade is negative (-) / pin is positive (+).

    4. is it right that the price of b&o cartridge is around £200? does it has the similar cartridge (other brands) that is cheaper and can be fitted with beogram 1500(in case of i really need to change it)

    and sometimes a lot more money! you can buy replacements from in the states, or there is a german fellow now offering rebuilds -search the forum for more info, and after you determine that yours is shot.

    5. last question is before i will go back to my country, i would like to send them to shop to check and clean inside to make them stay alive with meas long as they can (i am not sure that i can do by myself since i always break thing when i try to fix it.) can anyone who live in uk reccommend me the repair service that you know? it would be great if they are in london.

    someone will be along soon to offer you advice on this, i am sure.

    • B&o bottle opener
  • 04-30-2009 12:09 PM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: headphone jack for beomaster 1900

    Hi, if you are looking for someone to do the work for you - REX RADIO in London have been mentioned on here before. I have never used them myself but they seem to have a very good reputation.



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 04-30-2009 4:06 PM In reply to

    Re: headphone jack for beomaster 1900

    thank you for warm wellcome and useful answers Jeff, you are helping me a lot! anyway, i have a bit more further guestion to ask:

    Jeff, i am really new for using forum as well. how can i make a contact to Dillen abut LEDs light? does he live in UK and be able to do repair service or he is only selling a part?. i read through some information about beomaster 1900 and come across something that is interesting. it mentions that the LEDS light that is not working may cause the units make a 'hum'?? is it true?? i am not sure where i got it from or just my weird imagination from reading to much infomation last night...?

    PS. i have just ordered headphone adapter for ebay minutes ago, thank for your infomation Jeff (i supposed that 1/4 to 1/8 is 6.35mm to 3.5mm. am i right?).


  • 04-30-2009 4:11 PM In reply to

    Re: headphone jack for beomaster 1900

    thanks Chirs,

    unbelievable that when i checked the map i found that this shop is really closed to my area (westbourne park). i will definitely walk to there this weekend!

  • 04-30-2009 4:17 PM In reply to

    Re: headphone jack for beomaster 1900

    how can i make a contact to Dillen abut LEDs light? does he live in UK and be able to do repair service or he is only selling a part?.

    you can send a "private message" to him on the link... here

    he is in denmark. though he does do repair, i can't speak for him... he can definitely source the correct parts though!


    it mentions that the LEDS light that is not working may cause the units make a 'hum'?? is it true?? i am not sure where i got it from or just my weird imagination from reading to much infomation last night...?

    i think the keywords are "may cause." meaning... it may not always be caused by lights, and viceversa... but yes, they can cause a hum, esp if the volume lights are an issue, as i recall.


    PS. i have just ordered headphone adapter for ebay minutes ago, thank for your infomation Jeff (i supposed that 1/4 to 1/8 is 6.35mm to 3.5mm. am i right?).

    that should be the correct one! i assume you bought a stereo, and not mono adapter? yikes... Embarrassed

    • B&o bottle opener
  • 05-01-2009 8:52 PM In reply to

    Re: headphone jack for beomaster 1900

    thanks again Jeff, lucky that i seen the stereo one first....lucky me...lucky me...

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