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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 04-21-2009 2:03 AM by Keith Saunders. 1 replies.
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  • 04-20-2009 6:59 PM

    • Stan
    • Top 150 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-17-2007
    • Posts 593
    • Gold Member

    Assigning 3rd party IR to digits?

    I've seen this question asked a few times, but never directly answered.

    Can one change the IR assignments for the digit soft keys?

    I realize I can create a new screen for my 3rd party digits, but it would be nice to use the one that is already there.  Less confusion about which digits to use...



  • 04-21-2009 2:03 AM In reply to

    Re: Assigning 3rd party IR to digits?


    Yes you can, BUT not with the Beo5 Configuration Tool.

    In the earlier versions of the Beo5 Configuration Tool it would let you change the number screen IR assignments, but in the most recent version this facility was removed.

    However, these assignments can still be done in a created XML file.

    Regards Keith....

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