Just turned my Beomaster 6000 on and Danish radio P4 comes out through my newly rebuild S80.2 done by Dillen. As I have S120 on too I have one speaker pair off to make a fair fresh judgement. My Beovox S speakers had foamrot so that was also done along with the crossovers.
Compared to S120 and M150 they are pretty much the same and the only thing lacking is power behind it but a bit of volume can help. Putting bass and treble flat does not give the same. I put the bass on 1-2 and treble 0 and they match the bigger S120/M150 pretty good and acurate.
New setups? Yes or other assorted HIFI for that matter. The only trouble is the age and many people give them up when they have foamrot.
You don't get much more in the sound department with a Beomaster 8000 and bigger Beovoxes. It's an illision. I sit here with both 8000 and 6000. Turning the 8000 on gives a blend that is pretty close and turning off does give the same impression as the 8000 alone. Yes I just have the S80.2 on but the bass on 1 and treble 0. Maybe the bass will be played in after some time. Do they sound just as big? Yes they do. My M150 speakers got new original bass units and they sound just as fresh.
Anotherone wanting a Beomaster 8000? I'm still stuck with 6000 and 8000 in trying to make a decision which one I prefer and what the reasons might be. To hard to make it so both systems is staying so far. Why a Beomaster 8000? A classic, flagship and great design but the BM6000 can do the sound just as well.