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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-22-2008 3:01 PM by patrikian. 2 replies.
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  • 06-22-2008 9:36 AM

    MCL set up problems

    Can anyone help with the following problems with a MCL set up.

    I have attached a diagram of my existing set up to which I am having some problems.

    The reason for the two MCl-2A in the main room is that is a very large space and I basically needed 2 tranceivers to be able to control everything OK. The tranceivers can not see each other and it works pretty nice as I can "mute" one section of the space if I want to. I recently added a MCL-2AV to the TV/Link Room 1 as I wanted to be able to get audio into this room (Radio, CD, or Aux/Tape1 (PC iTunes)).

    This is how I have option programmed everything (basically option 2 for everything):

    Main Room

    Beomaster 6500: standby - sound - 2 - store

    MCL-2A (both): standby - link - 2 - store

    Link Room 

    MX4000: standby - picture - 2 - store 

    (I don't know if I would need to program an option for the MCL-2AV? I tried to program option 2 to this as well by pressing: standby - link - 2 - store, but I didn't get any flashing "confirmation" that this was received OK)

    I have connected the MX4000 TV from its "Audio Aux Link" to the MCL-2AV "Aux" port.


    PROBLEM 1:

    Basically what is happening if I change the Audio source, or switch off in either room, the other room is changing/switching off as well 

    - If the main Room audio is on and playing ie. CD and I turn on Radio in TV/Link Room, the TV's speakers are activated with Radio, BUT the main rooms audio also switches to Radio, and the Main Rooms volume goes up high. After this, changing the volume in the Main Room also changes the volume in the Link Room, but changing the volume in the Link Room does not affect the volume in the Main Room.


    PROBLEM 2:

    - Main Room in Stand-By mode

    - I turn on ie. CD in TV/Link room. Tv's speakers comes on slowly, gradually raising the volume, BUT now with a really bad sound quality (almost like the speakers are blown - which they are not)

    - If I now turn on CD in the Main Room, the volume starts on really high and the TV's volume goes down very low.

    NOTE: When the Main Rooms audio is on, the sound quality in the Link Room is perfect! 


    I would be very grateful for any help on what I can do to recitfy these problems. Many Thanks,


  • 06-22-2008 1:21 PM In reply to

    • stefan
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    Re: MCL set up problems

    Hi Patrik,

    you have connected two passive linksystems to your Beomaster, which means they use both the amplifier and the sources of the master.

    So, if you change volume on one MCL2a it will change on the second, and if changing the source it will change on all systems.

     Pressing STANDBY means switch off the BM 6500. Use MUTE instead.

     Your TV room has an active linksystem MCL2AV, which uses the amplifier ot your MX 4000. That`s why changing volume in linkroom will not change volume in mainroom. But vice versa it will change volume in both rooms, because the MCL2AV gets the adjustable volume setting from the MCL2A (which you change from the mainroom).

    Problem2: I`m not sure, but try to disconnect all speakers in mainroom and start the system from linkroom - what happens?

    Good luck



  • 06-22-2008 3:01 PM In reply to

    Re: MCL set up problems

    Thanks Stefan,

    The way the two MCL-2A's in the Main Room respond is all perfect (they are in sync of what source is playing and at what volume) - its all super perfect. I will use the Mute rather than Standby to switch a "speaker group" off as this works fine.

    What I would wish for is the Link Room to be independent of what audio source is playing in the Main Room and the Main Room to be independent of what source is playing in the Link Room. Less important to be able to adjust the volume in the Main Room without the Link Room being too much affected, even though it would be good as a bonus.

    Problem 2 is still above my head and I hope there is a solution.

    Thanks again.



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