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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 04-10-2008 4:47 PM by markiewj. 8 replies.
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  • 03-18-2008 8:33 PM

    • schaibo
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    beogram 6500 phono setup


    I posted this before in the german part of the forum, so I'm sorry if you read this twice...

    I recently purchased a MMC4 for my used beogram 6500. The needle is in good shape, yet the output is very quiet on my beomaster 6500. I thought there was a preamplifier for the phono-input, so do I have to activate it additionally?

    I also tried it with my headphones plugged in, but then the output is extremely over-amplified, especially the bass. 

    btw, I'm using non-b&o passiv speakers right now; just in case that's relevant. I really hope there's a way to solve this issue, i do love my complete 6500-setup and want it to work so badly...   any help is welcome!! 

    best regards, claus 

  • 03-19-2008 2:50 AM In reply to

    Re: beogram 6500 phono setup

    Has it always been like this, or have you just got it? If the latter, try removing the two extra pins in the DIN plug (they unscrew) and attach it to the Tape 2 input. See what it sounds like through the headphones now. Let us know.
  • 03-26-2008 8:37 AM In reply to

    • schaibo
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    Re: beogram 6500 phono setup

    Hi Peter!

    Thanks for the quick reply, I'm sorry I couldn't find the time to try it until now. I just bought the beogram without knowing if it works at all. I'm surprised it works fine without the extra pins on Tape 2 (as you suggested), sound is very good. Where does that leave me? Unfortunately I need my Tape 2 input, so how can it work with the phono input?

    Thanks a lot! 

  • 03-26-2008 9:07 AM In reply to

    Re: beogram 6500 phono setup

    Since the deck works ok into Tape 2 that means that the pre amp in the deck is working ok!

    Can we just back track. With the deck plugged into the Phono inpu the sound is very quiet into speakers but when you plug headphones in the sound is distorted and bassy??

    Regards Graham

  • 03-26-2008 10:00 AM In reply to

    Re: beogram 6500 phono setup

    I suspect that your Beomaster has an RIAA fitted as an option. I wonder if it is overloading the power amp so this cuts out but will produce loud distorted sound into the headphones.

    If I am correct , your options are:

    1. Get the RIAA removed from the Beomaster.

    2. Change the Beogram for one without the RIAA - a 5500 would work. The Beogram 6500 with a RIAA is very saleable!

  • 03-26-2008 11:42 AM In reply to

    • schaibo
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    Re: beogram 6500 phono setup

    @Graham: You're right - that's exactly how it sounds.

    There actually is a RIAA installed in my Beomaster. I just uploaded a photo to my other post in the German forum. Now the task is to remove the thing, or at least deactivate it.

    @Peter: Yes, selling could be an option. But then again I'm a little proud that i managed to get a working beogram6500 with RIAA for as little as 230€ - I just don't want to give it away...

  • 04-10-2008 2:27 PM In reply to

    Re: beogram 6500 phono setup

    Dear Peter

    Could You inform me about connection the beogram to Tape 2 socket.

    I want connect to Beomaster 5000 two beograms. My problem is that I have 8002 and 5005 Beograms. Both without RIAA.

    I think about buy Beogram witn RIAA, i.e. 6500 or 7000 and connecting it with Tape 2 socket. The Beogram 8002 will be connect to Phono.

    My quastion is about remote control of Beogram via Tape 2 throws Beomaster 5000. Will be it well doing? With play, return and advice function?



  • 04-10-2008 2:51 PM In reply to

    Re: beogram 6500 phono setup

    You cannot remotely control a beogram attached to the Tape 2 socket. I am not sure, but you might be able to control a RIAA equipped one attached to the CD port though! It is all about Datalink. The signals sent on the Tape datalink are different to the Phono ones and won't work the Beogram.
  • 04-10-2008 4:47 PM In reply to

    Re: beogram 6500 phono setup

    Very thanks for answer.

    Hovewer I have connect also Beogram CD50 to this Beomaster.

    I see that I can use only swith between Beograms in the phono cable.



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