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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012



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  • Re: BEOTALK 1200 Power Adapter Information Requested

    Thanks for the response Burantek. Does the power adapter use the same jack on the BEOTALK 1200 as the telephone line or is there a separate jack for the power adapter? I have not actually seen the unit. It's on ePay and I am considering making a bid on it. If the power adapter shares the jack on the BEOTALK with the telephone line I would need to
    Posted to BeoWorld North America (Forum) by w1rc on 01-08-2012
  • BEOTALK 1200 Power Adapter Information Requested

    I acquired a BEOTALK 1200 answering machine without the AC power adapter. I have determined that the power requirements are 9 VDC @ 300 mA. However I need to know the polarity of the power plug - and would be most grateful if someone could tell me which pin is positive (+) or, even better, help me obtain a schematic. Thank you in advance, Michael w1rc
    Posted to BeoWorld North America (Forum) by w1rc on 01-07-2012
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