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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 05-27-2009 11:03 AM by cooldude. 55 replies.
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  • 05-26-2009 3:54 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang & Olufsen for the ignorant or for the connoisseur?

    goodbye and good riddance

    he was never worth a  smidgen compared to jj's best work

    the avant was his highpoint and it was downhill from that

    popgear is grate™

  • 05-26-2009 10:24 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang & Olufsen for the ignorant or for the connoisseur?

    I have a lot of sympathy for the point of view that our televisions fail to measure up in some fundamental way or that somehow their performance is out of proportion with their price tag. And, though I disagree fundamentally, I was struck by a comment made by Sony's CEO: "We can no longer say that our customers are wrong and we are right." 

    I think that there has been a similar realization in Struer since Kalle took over. There are innovations coming through (a few of which I've gotten to toy with!) that bear exclusively on capabilities that either don't really exist in the industry, or have been isolated to even more exclusive brands than ourselves. It's impossible to believe that these would ever have seen the light of day under TBS. We'd probably be co-branding laptops with Dell if he were still around!

    I still maintain that a BeoSystem 3 based system offers the best value in the industry, but I can also see how someone who just wants to hang a TV on a wall and enjoy some great sound is paying for more than he will use. I've seen both sides from different stores in different markets. For years I dealt with clients who, if they would even spring for the BeoVision 7, would seldom add speakers or even link it. Today I serve a market where I rarely install a system that doesn't have lighting & environmental control, surveillance, and some sort of entryway management. I wouldn't get a fraction of those jobs if our core architecture didn't allow me to offer systems that performed much of what Crestron does with a fraction of the equipment and programming. In this market I underbid companies providing LG panels and in-wall speakers. Imagine that! BeoVision 7s and 8s everywhere with control of lights, garage doors, security system, surveillance, t-stat, and I'm the lowest price! That's where our value really comes in, when you link up a house.

    Since both markets are equally valid and equally profitable it makes sense that we're pushing forward at both levels. The BeoVision 10 is going to be a revolution. I've finally seen it and all of those who lust after a BeoVision 5 will be thrilled. Let's say that looks skip a generation! Then we're also pushing our custom integration & automation capabilities at the top end so that I can be more competitive in my market while my colleagues in other markets can be more competitive in theirs. 

    There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin

  • 05-27-2009 4:29 AM In reply to

    Re: Bang & Olufsen for the ignorant or for the connoisseur?

    Interesting views from TripEnglish! I noticed on a visit to RicherSounds that they are now offering house networked systems but at a phenomenal price relative to their cut-price end-of-range TVs and Hi Fi separates. On the question of David Lewis and designs mentioned by Flappo, my own view is that the CRT televisions were masterpieces of disguise, looking good and creating the illusion of a slim case from most viewing positions. The Plasma and LCD televisions have for the most part removed the need for this skillful design and we have finished up with bits being stuck on which add nothing to the appearance (and technical performance?)

    Technical developments are accelerating and B&O have a real dilemma: do they stick to waiting 12 months to see which new technologies are becoming accepted or do they accept that technology is now moving so fast that need better case design with the ability to change to new innards more rapidly. In one way the move to solid state technologies should give B&O an almost totally free hand in how it makes its products look and feel.  It a bit like an architect who was limited by what the engineers could do from a structural viewpoint. Suddenly the form of what is being made no longer relates in anyway to the engineering within (with the exception of needing a viewing screen on a TV!) This suggests to me that there should be no need for compromise on either the technical or appearance fronts in future, and if B&O can find the investment capital they can still survive in a connoisseur market. Failing that they will have to tie up more with a mass producer of well perceived technological equipment- the current resurrected rising star being Apple.

    I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure. [W C Fields]

  • 05-27-2009 4:31 AM In reply to

    • moxxey
    • Top 25 Contributor
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    Re: Bang & Olufsen for the ignorant or for the connoisseur?


    I still maintain that a BeoSystem 3 based system offers the best value in the industry

    I agree with most of what you say Trip - and you're a credit to the board - but that's dealer speak. Just because B&O attach a price of £5K+ to the BS3, it doesn't mean that TVs that include the device are 'best value'. ie. you've got to ask whether the device is really worth £5K? I suppose if you used a projector and had a 7.1 setup, perhaps, but then the latest BV7-40 MKIV, with BS3, doesn't support HD 7.1 audio, so anyone who has bought in to a high-end audio setup is going to have to 'downgrade' their audio performance to accomodate these issues.

  • 05-27-2009 10:16 AM In reply to

    Re: Bang & Olufsen for the ignorant or for the connoisseur?

    Moxxey, that's really the point that I was making. For all the pared down simplicity of much of the range, the BeoSystem 3 took the kitchen sink approach and has nearly a dozen features on board that 2/3s or better will never use, yet pay for each and every time. I've been arguing since the BeoSystem 3 was launched that there should be a standalone surround sound processor with a PUC that supports every major screen's geometry & IR codes. The PUC is terrific and it would make the perfect platform to add our speakers. Screens are the most commoditized at this point and it looks like it will be that way for some time so if someone really feels the need to keep current, they should have a reasonable option to do so. 

    However, my comment about it being the best value figures mostly into my market, which is one of a handful worldwide that moves the type of systems that the BeoSystem 3 shines in. When you do add the projector, link multiple BeoVisions, add the ML Gateway to control lights & automation, and round out to 5.1 or 7.1, the BeoSystem 3 is genuinely a less expensive product than other processors with all the 3rd party boxes added in. 

    So I agree that the in most cases we're selling a motor home to people who just want a car!

    There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin

  • 05-27-2009 11:03 AM In reply to

    Re: Bang & Olufsen for the ignorant or for the connoisseur?


    Moxxey, that's really the point that I was making. For all the pared down simplicity of much of the range, the BeoSystem 3 took the kitchen sink approach and has nearly a dozen features on board that 2/3s or better will never use, yet pay for each and every time. I've been arguing since the BeoSystem 3 was launched that there should be a standalone surround sound processor with a PUC that supports every major screen's geometry & IR codes. The PUC is terrific and it would make the perfect platform to add our speakers. Screens are the most commoditized at this point and it looks like it will be that way for some time so if someone really feels the need to keep current, they should have a reasonable option to do so. 

    However, my comment about it being the best value figures mostly into my market, which is one of a handful worldwide that moves the type of systems that the BeoSystem 3 shines in. When you do add the projector, link multiple BeoVisions, add the ML Gateway to control lights & automation, and round out to 5.1 or 7.1, the BeoSystem 3 is genuinely a less expensive product than other processors with all the 3rd party boxes added in. 

    So I agree that the in most cases we're selling a motor home to people who just want a car!

    So true TripEnglish... if they ever bring out a reduced Beosystem3 at a reasonable price (it never will be cheap, but I still would pay the premium ...) I would camp outside the store to be the first one to buy it ....  I just want something with a puc that controls my B&O and non B&O gear and where all my speakers are connected to for surround sound.....

    This would satisfy alot of people .......guaranteed.

    I still have an av7000 in use  (though the puc part has been modded with a lintronics box that gives me full controll over my non B&O tv, blu ray player and mac mini....) Works great for me and still sounds better in regular dolby prologic than many of my friends ht setups I have heard.

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